May Newsletter 2022
Memorial Day
For most of us, this means a day off from work, grilling with family and friends, traveling, or just plain relaxing. It also signifies the beginning of summer for some.
For others, it is a solemn day to remember those in our lives that have been lost defending our great nation and freedoms.
Here at Denver Concierge, we are very grateful for the sacrifices that have been made so that we can run a business, send out a newsletter, and exist in our own peaceful way.
For those reasons and many others, we annually take this time to express our gratitude and humility as we know without those sacrifices things might not be the way they are today in our land.
So, in that spirit, we want to share some interesting facts about this special day. Some facts you may have seen in past newsletters, as well as a couple of new tidbits we ran across.
For starters, Memorial Day used to be called Decoration Day. Originally conceived to honor the over 600,000 people that died in the Civil War, by the 1900’s it became a day to celebrate all Americans that have died in service around the world. It was renamed in 1967 and became a federal holiday in 1971.
This year it falls on Monday the 3oth, and of course, Denver Concierge will be closed.
Did you know that at 3 PM on Memorial Day every American is to stop what they are doing to remember and honor those who have died in action? Also, the flag is supposed to be flown at half-mast until noon, then raised to full mast until sunset on Memorial Day.
Many of us wonder why the end of May was chosen. Was it a significant battle, anniversary, or date? Way simpler than that, the date was chosen because flowers would be blooming all around America. So the blooms would be abundantly available for decorating soldiers’ graves.
Also, while no one is quite sure where this tradition originated, many locations claim to be the first to recognize this day. Some records indicate that one of the first such spring rituals took place in Charleston, South Carolina less than a month after the Civil War ended.
Columbus, Mississippi is also cited as an early location of celebrations when a group of women visited a cemetery to decorate graves in 1866. Overall, more than two dozen locations in both the north and the south all claim to have hosted the first Memorial Day traditions.
But in 1966, the federal government headed by Lyndon Johnson proclaimed Waterloo, New York as the holiday’s official birthplace. It was there, a century earlier, that a celebration to honor Civil War vets first took place and went on to become an annual tradition.
Finally, even in this time of relative peace in America, 25 people per day are buried at Arlington Cemetery.
Please join us in honoring the fallen this Memorial Day. We wish you the best for a safe and relaxing holiday weekend.

Best Places to Live 2022
How things change.
For years we have promoted our fine state and cities here as they rose through the ranks of U.S. News and World Report’s annual “Best Places to Live” rankings.
As you might expect based on many factors, our place in the rankings has dropped.
There was, however, a change in methodology this year, as they added air quality to the rankings.
We aren’t sure how much this affected our ranks, but all of our cities except one dropped in stature.
Starting with Boulder, which was ranked #1 in 2020 and 2021 which fell to #4.
Colorado Springs was the only Colorado city on the list to receive a better ranking this year and they came in at No. 2, improving upon a No. 6 rating in 2021.
Fort Collins sank to No. 54 from last year’s No. 17, and Denver plummeted the furthest, hitting No. 55 after being ranked No. 14 in 2021 and No. 2 in 2020.
The top spot? Huntsville, Alabama, with Green Bay, Wisconsin coming in third. Evidently, the weather doesn’t factor in, as any Packer fan will tell you about winter in Wisconsin, but we digress.
The full and always interesting rankings direct from U.S. News and World Report can be found here.

Property Tax Relief
For those of you that own a home in Colorado, there is good news and bad news.
One check of Zillow will probably make you feel very good about your real estate investment.
Then, the property tax bill comes due.
Nearly all of us who own homes will feel this burden, as home values have skyrocketed and the government will be happy to collect more from us in taxes.
Thankfully there is a bit of relief on the horizon.
In early May, a bill was approved to ease the rising tax burden that comes with rocketing property values. It caps the amount of value that properties are taxed for the 2023 and 2024 tax years.
From the Denver Post article, “In its unveiling, Gov. Jared Polis said it would save the owner of a $500,000 home an average of $274 a year. It will cost the state an estimated $700 million over two years, funded via one-time money, as tax refunds required under the Tax Payer Bill of Rights or simply chalked up as lost revenue.”
“The measure was designed to head off proposed ballot initiatives, including one from state Rep. Colin Larson, R-Littleton, to cap property tax increase at 3%. But those backers, including others backed by liberal and conservative groups, put down their metaphorical arms, right down to signing affidavits as political peace treaties.”
Along with the tax refund we are all receiving (see last month’s newsletter if you missed it), this provides a bit of relief for a problem nearly all of us share in.
Lastly, we ran across an article on ways to reduce your property tax and it can be found here.

Is Your Home at Risk?
The tragic Marshall Fire over the holidays last year was a stark reminder about how quickly the things we have can be gone.
We know a number of people that were displaced and our hearts go out to them.
Sadly, many stories have come out regarding underinsured homeowners, problems with replacement values, etc.
In fact, the problem was so rampant that many insurance agents weren’t even taking calls about it immediately after the disaster.
From the article, “Most homes are underinsured. Nationwide estimates that about two-thirds of American homes are underinsured. Some homes are underinsured by at least 60 percent and the average is about 22 percent. CoreLogic estimates that three out of five American homes are underinsured by an average of 20 percent.”
The bottom line? Talk to your agent and make sure you have coverage that includes new (and higher) building costs and that you are fully covered for any disaster.
The only thing worse than losing your home is realizing you are not able to rebuild it without a significant financial penalty, sometimes in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
Let’s hope that we never encounter these problems, but in the event we do, let’s make sure our insurance is in order.

Airport Expansion & New Gates
We have used this space frequently in the past to shed light on the debacle that has been the DIA expansion project.
It is only fair that we call out any progress that is being made and we have some news to report.
If you haven’t flown for a bit, you may be surprised to see that there are 16 additional gates developing on the C Concourse.
From the DBJ article. “Southwest Airlines will soon have 16 more gates available to travelers at Denver International Airport, bringing the airport another step closer to its goal of having the capacity to handle 100 million annual visitors in eight to 10 years.”
In fact, the new space is the largest physical expansion by DIA since the Westin hotel was built in 2015.
The ultimate goal is for DIA to handle up to 100 million passengers per year in 8-10 years.
Lots of new things to do out there as well, including eight new shopping and dining options by 2023 including Black Canyon Market and Goods, Longs Peak Market and Goods, Aviano Coffee, Mister Oso, Bar Dough, Cholon Modern Asia, Marczyk Fine Foods and Teatulia Tea and Coffee Bar.
Exciting times at DIA, and nice to see some progress on this long and drawn-out project.
The complete piece from the DBJ can be found here, and for those of you with a Denver Post subscription, their take on things can be found here.
Happy travels Denver!

Monthly Award Winners
Our monthly award winners for April were Gabriela Caloca, Maria Zapata, Gabriela Barrancas, Ivette Amaro, and Haydee Espinosa.
In the Team Leader ranks, it was Mayra Soto and Laura Varela
We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.
We continue to be grateful to you for allowing us into your lives during these challenging times.
Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of April.

Queen Bee Corner
by Angela
Handling client cancelations is one of the toughest challenges in the service industry. To reach a balance that recognizes and accepts the client’s need to cancel while minimizing disruption to the schedule is no small feat.
Our daily schedules are made well in advance and the workload is distributed equally among the teams. If a client cancels it leaves a gap in one of the team’s schedules.
Cancelations requested in advance allow the scheduler a chance to fill the space from a short waiting list, and the team does not lose work hours.
In the case of last-minute cancelations, it is less likely that the space can be filled on such short notice, and in all probability, the three ladies on the team will lose work hours that day.
Emergencies are part of life and are unexpected and unavoidable. We understand and graciously accept this fact of life.
However, we hope the above clarification will raise awareness of the importance of canceling in advance whenever possible.
Just a small request.