July Newsletter 2023
Green With Envy
Ok, not us, we try not to engage in envy.
But hopefully, our competitors do, because for the 16th straight year, we have been recertified 100% green by the Green Clean Institute.
In fact, we were the first cleaning company in Colorado to achieve this prestigious certification. It requires not only that we use products that are 100% certified green, but that our staff is trained as well.
We have to re-certify each year, and we are very proud that we have achieved this again in 2023. As a side note, we are currently the only cleaning company listed in the GCI directory in 2023 in Denver. Wow.
We used to have a couple of competitors that were listed next to us, but it seems they have given up the pursuit.
The moral of the story for us is very clear. We are committed to doing things the right way, every time. Sure, it costs money and time to maintain our certification, but we do it simply because it’s the right thing to do.
We aren’t smart enough to understand all the ins and outs of our climate, our planet, and what is causing what. All we know is that we are trying to do our part. We hope that brings you a little comfort when you use our locally owned company.
For some reasons to use green products, the folks at Spruce came up with 10 Reasons to Start Green Cleaning Today and it can be found here.
We will always do our best to be unique in the way that we clean, communicate with you, and take care of your home. More importantly, we appreciate each and every one of you and we value our relationships beyond just being your housecleaner.
We also take the responsibility of “taking care” of your home as seriously as we “take care” of the environment. We hope it shows through every day.
Thank you, as always, for your support and your business.

Social Security Myths
Have you ever heard that our Social Security system is running out of money?
We have, and for those of us that have paid in for a very long time, it is quite alarming.
However, it isn’t true. At least not now.
Our fine friends over at Edward Jones published a great article entitled “5 Myths You Shouldn’t Believe about Social Security”.
AARP also did a great article on this. From that article: “As long as workers and employers pay payroll taxes, Social Security will not run out of money. It’s a pay-as-you-go system: Revenue coming in from FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) and SECA (Self-Employed Contributions Act) taxes largely cover the benefits going out.”
“Social Security does face funding challenges. For decades it collected more than it paid out, building a surplus that stood at $2.83 trillion at the end of 2022. But the system is starting to pay out more than it takes in, largely because the retiree population is growing faster than the working population, and living longer. Without changes in how Social Security is financed, the surplus is projected to run out in 2034, according to the latest annual report from the program’s trustees.”
While that is the biggest myth we hear about Social Security, there are others, such as the annual COLA being guaranteed, the effective age is 65, etc.
These and other myths (along with the truth about each) can be found in the articles above.
We were very relieved to know that it does not appear that Social Security is going broke anytime soon. Whew.

New “Move Over” Law Coming
We do our best to keep our readers informed about changes in our fine city and state that might affect them.
This new law is one of those things to pay attention to.
You are probably already aware that Colorado law requires drivers to move over for emergency vehicles.
The law requires a driver who is overtaking an emergency vehicle, tow vehicle, or public utility vehicle that is parked on the side of the road to reduce and maintain a safe speed, as follows:
- 25 miles per hour if the speed limit is less than 45 miles per hour; or
- At least 20 miles per hour less than the posted speed limit if the speed limit is 45 miles per hour or more.
So, what is the new law?
Starting August 7, drivers will be required to behave the same way for ANY vehicle with hazard lights on.
The same requirements from the previous law (above) apply. Failure to do so, if caught, will result in a $100 fine and DMV points off your license, so beware.
It seems like a sensible law to us, and we sure don’t need a ticket.
We hope this helps keep you from getting one as well!
The full law can be found here, at Colorado CDOT.

Scam Avoidance
Dang, scams are everywhere.
If we get one more personalized email from someone who pretends to know us, we might lose it.
Between fake LinkedIn profiles, cleverly worded spam, and the like, there are lots of scams and new approaches to be wary of.
We are here to help.
It seems like Amazon is everywhere. Most of us use them and rarely have problems, however, there are lots of counterfeit items to avoid.
We hadn’t thought about this until Prime Day arrived and we read this piece on counterfeit goods on Amazon. Quite eye-opening.
Also, we have noticed a very high number of fake profiles on LinkedIn. Typically a very pretty person in a photo, with a background that doesn’t seem to add up.
Sadly, most people just “accept” invitations to connect, and then the fun starts. Scammers will attempt to befriend you, with the ultimate goal of getting your information and money. When in doubt, google the person, you might be surprised they don’t exist!
Then there is the “lottery scam”. Most of us would scoff at this one, but remember, if these tactics didn’t work, scammers would stop using them!
Finally, some great tips from FDIC on how to avoid falling prey to these very clever scams.
Meanwhile, keep your guard up!

Save on your Summer Utility Bill
Well, we knew this was coming. Sticker shock on our electricity bills. Now that it’s here, many of us are stunned by the increases.
Along the way, summer arrived and it’s been 95 degrees now for a good stretch.
What can we all do to save some dough on our electric bill?
For starters, Xcel Energy (who has been the target of most of the vitriol online) offers some good tips for saving money.
More importantly, they are also offering rebates on smart thermostats, LED bulbs, and water heater installation currently.
Incidentally, if you already have a smart thermostat, there are seasonal savings programs there as well.
We also spoke with a client about the installation of a whole-home fan, which seems to help as well.
Finally, from CNet, 8 ideas on how to lower your bill can be found here.
Stay cool Denver, we hope some of these tips help!

Monthly Award Winners
Our monthly award winners for June were Haydee Espinoza, Guadalupe Caloca, Aurora Dominguez, Maria Zapata, and Juana Luna.
In the Team Leader ranks, it was Juana Olivas and Socorro Ibarra.
We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.
We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.
Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of June.

Queen Bee Corner
by Angela
Cleaning is a dying art. Much like ironing. The modern approach to cleaning is the result of TV commercials starting in the ’50s featuring a well-dressed woman, often in heels, with a spray bottle in one hand and a pretty sponge in the other, sometimes wearing an apron. The message was clear. Our product can free you from drudgery.
So, what is the real art of cleaning? Quite succinctly, it is Denver Concierge.
But to break it down, it is a solitary endeavor; a calm diligence and concentrated focus on taking away the dirt, grime, and dust from a room or object. Efficiency is key. If too drawn out it becomes tedious. If too rushed it becomes sloppy, with the likelihood of breakages.
Non-toxic products are essential. Our products may not come in fancy packaging with fancy promises, but they have proven to be not only effective at cleaning but also at preservation and safety, allowing our ladies to do their job properly in the time they need, with no harmful cumulative after effects.
Of course, none of the products, applications, or methods are viable without employees who just quite simply know how to clean.
Denver Concierge has the best of the best. Hats off to you ladies!