June Newsletter 2020
COVID-19 Update
As most of you already know, we are back to work. We closed in March as part of the Stay at Home Order. April as well. In May, we went back to work as soon as we could (May 11), with all precautions we could think of in place.
June is our first full month back and we are happy to report, so far so good.
Our precautions seem to be working, and we are thankful that our ladies are well, and not one has shown signs of any illness. As we have mentioned to many of you, the key for us all to stay healthy is to avoid one another while in your homes.
If you aren’t close to our ladies, and they aren’t close to you, we can reduce the risk of any transmission to nearly zero. We know many of you are at home while we clean, if you can ensure that you are in a different area of your home than our cleaning teams, we are certain we are both safe.
Our PPE protects us from any germs that may be on surfaces, so if we continue to distance, we should have no issues.
Beyond those obvious changes, it is business as usual for Denver Concierge. As time passes, we hope that we can get back to normal topics here, but we want to make sure you know that we are being highly vigilant in our efforts.
Thank you from all of us for your trust, support, kindness, and care.
Please stay safe and if you have any questions about our operations or ideas on how we can do better, please let us know.

Green & Proud
We don’t like to toot our own horn. In fact, we rely on your feedback, reviews and loyalty to get us through our days.
However, there is one thing we are super proud of.
Way back in 2008 we led the way in Denver as the very first Certified, Green Clean maid service. In fact, we were the first certified residential company in Colorado.
Sure, many have followed, mostly because of perception and marketing….and because we did it first.
Marketing and perception are not the reasons we went through the certification process.
We did it because taking care of the environment and being responsible corporate citizens was and remains very important to us.
We remain committed to the environment and are happy to announce our recertification.
We go through an annual process to ensure we are operating properly and using only green certified products and procedures.
Full details on the Green Clean Institute and all they do can be found here. We look forward to many more years of doing things the right way.
It’s the only way we know.

Colorado Economy Rebounding
We know things aren’t great. We aren’t anywhere near the robust economy that we were all enjoying before this madness began.
However, there are signs of life.
Colorado added 68,000 jobs in the month of May. That is the good news. The bad news, of course is that only represents 20% of the lost/suspended jobs that this crisis has caused.
Unemployment in May dropped a full two points from 12.2% to 10.2%.
Both of those numbers outpace the national average fairly substantially.
From the DBJ article, “Luke Teater, OSPB deputy director, said in a presentation to the Joint Budget Committee that the state’s small businesses are doing better in aggregate than national small businesses, according to several measurements. The number that are missing rent or utility payments is about 12%, below the national average of 15%, and the number that have had to reduce work hours recently is about 20%, compared to about 25% nationally.”
This is good news. Also, unlike many states, we seem to be managing the transition with no big spikes in cases.
The full article in the Denver Business Journal can be found here.

Can we go out now? Please?
Last month we mentioned restaurants and how much they need us. It got us thinking….what else are we missing?
We know many of you love the arts. Denver has such a vibrant scene of music, museums, the Zoo, we have been wondering how this could all work in this era.
For starters, all the concerts and shows that we know of have either been rescheduled or cancelled. Too tough to socially distance a concert.
Our friends at the convention center are not faring well either, as there really isn’t an effective way to host meetings of hundreds or thousands with good social distancing.
What about the museums? The Zoo?
The nice people at 5280 Magazine published a good piece on how 9 Denver institutions are reopening.
This includes the Zoo, Botanic Gardens, the Aquarium, Libraries and more.
Each has its own restrictions and guidelines, but how nice to have some of our cultural mainstays back!!!
I am so proud to be a resident of a state that is handling this so well. Our people seem to understand and for the most part, abide by rules that are allowing us to get back to some sense of living our lives again.
We will join you all in doing our best to resume our lives, safely and responsibly as we try to get back to normal.
Be safe Denver!

The 4 Second Workout
There was a funny scene in a movie with Ben Stiller years ago about “8-minute abs”. The question came up “why not 7-minute abs? Or 6-minute abs?”
Great questions that we can’t answer, but it was a funny scene.
So, when we saw the headline about a 4 SECOND workout, we had to dive in.
It seems that most American adults sit for nearly 10 hours each day. Now that many of us don’t have a commute anymore, we suspect that number is creeping higher.
Now what do we do? Can’t really go to the gym safely right now. If you do, it sure isn’t the way that it used to be, with appointments, distancing and the like.
Many of us don’t have gyms at home.
So how what? From the article, “The health impacts of this inactivity can be considerable, with studies linking prolonged sitting to increased risks for heart disease, Type 2 diabetes and other metabolic disruptions. In particular, multiple hours of sitting can contribute to a later rise in the bloodstream of fatty acids, known as triglycerides, probably in part because muscles at rest produce less than contracting muscles do of a substance that breaks up triglycerides. High levels of triglycerides, in turn, are linked to an increased risk of heart disease and other metabolic problems.”
It turns out that small bursts of intense activity can potentially assist with the downside of all this sitting.
The full article can be found here, it’s quite interesting. We don’t want the “COVID 15“, so this is definitely something we may try!!

Monthly Award Winners
We misspoke (or wrote) here last month. We were closed in April and only restarted in May, so we still only have a partial month to report.
Look for our list of top performers for the first full month (June) in next month’s newsletter.
I can tell you however that our ladies have been courageous and determined in their efforts to keep working safely and to make sure you are taken care of.
We have not had anyone complain or push back on our new protocols. Our people are fully engaged and so happy to be back doing what they love.
In truth, they all deserve an award.
There really aren’t a lot of words that would effectively describe how we feel about our people.
Their loyalty, grit and love for what they do in your homes shines through every day.
Another salute to our wonderful workforce!!!!

Queen Bee Corner
by Angela
When the pandemic first started to show itself as the monster that it has become, I think we all felt as if we’d been transferred overnight to an alien world. The reality of it was nigh on impossible to grasp.
Oddly, several months later this world doesn’t seem quite so new. It’s interesting what we can adjust to. Equally interesting is to realize that while many things in our lives have not changed, our perception of them certainly has.
Take Denver Concierge as an example (of course). Once we opened and were cleaning again, getting the teams dispatched in the morning, last minute schedule changes, day to day problems cropping up without notice and many times without precedent; what used to appear as hectic overdrive in the running of a service business suddenly took on an aura of welcome normalcy.
We gained a new appreciation for sameness. The frantic pace was suddenly soothing.
I guess this is my way of saying it’s great to back with you. As always, thank you for inviting us into your homes!
Queen Bee