April 2019 Newsletter
I Can See Clearly Now….Now that we have had our windows cleaned for spring! Yes, it is that time and we wanted to remind you that we are still doing windows across the Front Range. As you may recall, last year we ventured into window washing. We partnered with Unger, the leader in window washing technology for the newest and best tools to make your windows sparkle just like the rest of your home. Did you know that the particle buildup that occurs on your windows can markedly diminish your property’s air quality? One of these particles can be mold, which can take its toll on the well-being of your property’s inhabitants. If the air in your property seems more stagnant than usual, a window cleaning can help to clear the air. Also, we learned that over time, glass can degrade. The majority of particles, like those that make up water and minerals, can damage your windows. The particles will enter the glass’ pores and effectively contaminate and corrode the windows. The first things you may notice will be some light scratches or cracks, but an unmaintained window can eventually be altered on a structural level and will need a full replacement. Cleaning your windows will prevent this outcome and give your windows far more longevity. So, beyond just looking good and giving you a better view, there are practical reasons to clean your windows! To schedule a window washing appointment, please contact Angela and we will get you on the calendar. Anyone scheduling a window cleaning in April or May will receive 10% off as a Denver Concierge client or partner. Just mention the newsletter to Angela and she will make sure you get the discount. As always, thank you for your trust in us, and we look forward to taking great care of your windows, as we do your home. ![]() Green DenverDo you know what LEED is? It stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design. Normally, it is a classification used for buildings, as in LEED certified via the U.S. Green Building Council. However, LEED is now being used to identify cities and communities that are committed to healthy, sustainable practices. As part of that program, our very own Denver was recently named a LEED Platinum city. From the article: “LEED for Cities certification demonstrates Denver’s commitment to sustainable growth and progress, and provides a platform for the city and to communicate its overall sustainability goals and performance to key stakeholders and the broader community.” As your favorite green housecleaning company, we are always on the lookout for green initiatives and ways to make our planet healthier. For more information on this outstanding certification, visit the Mayor’s office commentary here. LEED Platinum information, as well as a list of all the cities nationwide that are LEED certified can be found here. ![]() Are Robots Coming for Your Job?Gosh we hope not, especially since Rosie the Maid from the Jetsons looks so efficient above. The short answer (and good news), according to the smart folks at the Stanford Graduate School of Business is not yet and not likely, depending on your job and its level of complexity. While many of us fear automation taking over everything from our cars to our housecleaning, experts say that these fears are dramatically overstated. The bottom line is that most jobs are more complex than many people realize. Cleaning your home, for example is a very custom activity and one that we certainly hope won’t be replaced anytime soon. Even Elon Musk of Tesla uttered the following: “Excessive automation at Tesla was a mistake. To be precise, my mistake. Humans are underrated,” ![]() Ballpark Project UpdateSince it is now spring and baseball season has commenced (Someone please tell the Rockies the season started!) we thought it might be a good chance to update you on the massive project by the ballpark. You may have noticed the giant hole in the ground next to the Chop House and across from Coors Field. The official name of the project is McGregor Square, named for former Rockies exec Keli McGregor who died suddenly in 2010. A mixed-use development, there will be office space, residences, and a luxury hotel. The Rockies Hall of Fame will also be located here. To create more openness and public space, McGregor Square will abut the already-existing but underutilized Wynkoop Plaza, a 25,000 square-foot promenade between 19th and 20th streets just outside of the stadium. Additionally, another 75,000 square feet of restaurants and retail space will be open to the public. What a fun and exciting project for downtown and for our Rockies. Full details and photos of this project can be found via 5280 Magazine here. ![]() Red Light CamerasVery few things are more annoying than getting a ticket in the mail telling you that you owe money for running a red light. Or, for being slightly over the speed limit as you drove past an automated radar system. We decided to investigate (for a friend of course) to see if these tickets are valid and if you really need to pay them. The answer….well it’s complicated. Technically, in Denver you have to be served in person within 90 days or the ticket is invalid. You do not need to be served by a law enforcement officer and any adult that is home can sign for the ticket, and yes, they will potentially send someone to serve you. The good news is these tickets are not reported to the DMV, so there are no points taken from your license. As an aside, did you know that you can get a photo/red light ticket if your tires are over the crosswalk? In fact if both front and back tires are over (bad idea anyway) you may get a full red light ticket. So….if you aren’t served, technically any ticket is not valid. However, if you are properly served and don’t pay, you can be sent to collections. Of course, we aren’t advising you to not pay these controversial tickets, but if you arent served in person there may be a way out, depending on your level of risk tolerance. Good luck and be safe out there! ![]() Monthly Award WinnersPlease join me in congratulating our best performers for March 2019. Our top Cleaning Associates for the month were Aurora Dominguez, Josefina Puga, Josefina Quinonez, Maria Zapata and Juana Luna. In the Team Leader ranks, our top Team Leaders were Juana Olivas and Mayra Soto (back to back months for those two!). Thanks to all our team members for their hard work, and a special thanks to our award winners! Congrats ladies! ![]()
I would like to take a minute and reintroduce you to the folks at Rambunctious Ranch, who deliver my eggs. I love that we have the option in a city of this size to have fresh produce and egg deliveries. I also love that we are helping a local family enterprise and not the big suppliers. We are what our food has consumed, and these chicks are very well tended and fed. Every Sunday I get an email with happenings from the ranch and photos of the ducks and chicks, dogs and goats. It starts my week on a pleasant and sweet note, with a little bit of country. Just thought I’d pass that along. Feel free to email the ranch: [email protected] Bee |