September Newsletter 2024

Denver October Happenings

Indeed, summer went very fast. It seems like it was either raining or oppressively hot, but either way we have another one in the books, and we are on to fall.

With the beginning of fall comes many different things to celebrate in and around Denver.

As is our habit, we are here to share those things and hopefully give you some ideas for some fun things to do. 

This month’s newsletter also answers the question, “Is Denver rude?”(spoiler alert, yes, we just might be, or maybe we are just overworked?).

We have a guest writer providing tips on how to get your home ready for winter, and we cover the important items affecting us on the November ballot.

Finally, we dive into the controversy surrounding how you might try to dispute a toll violation, and what we found isn’t very customer friendly.

With that in mind, let’s begin.

October brings lots of fun things to the Front Range. Let’s start with adult fun, including the Great American Beer Festival which runs from October 10-12. Breck also has their Craft Spirits Festival from the 11-13, in case you might need something stronger.

The folks at published a good list of other events as well and it is here.

We also love the list at as well, which includes lots of adult fun here.

For the kiddos, it’s Halloween time. That means haunted houses, corn mazes, pumpkin patches, and eventually trick or treating. 

We have done all the research for you, and you can find the best lists we came across by clicking below:

Haunted Houses

Corn Mazes

Pumpkin Patches

Moving back into the grown-up section of October, we always love the stuff that publishes. From Dracula to Cocktails and Screams at McGregor Square, they have you covered.

Whew, that was a lot, but we hope you find it informative. Lots to do for young and old this October, we hope you enjoy.

Wishing you a great beginning to fall and a fun Halloween this October!

Is Denver Rude? Or Just Overworked?

We don’t feel rude. We try to treat everyone we interact with respectfully.

But we all have bad days, so we were curious about what Preply found when they decided to take a look at the rudest cities in the U.S.

The study methodology courtesy of Preply, ” We surveyed residents about social behaviors they noticed in their city and calculated a city rudeness score based on the answers.”

“Lack of awareness in public, loudness in shared places, and rudeness to service staff members are just some of the behaviors that branded Miami, FL, as having the rudest residents. Although Philadelphia, PA, ranked as the second rudest, the city’s residents have actually gotten kinder since 2022, when they ranked number one. However, not all cities have improved.”

So, good news, Denver is not the rudest city in the U.S. We ranked 34th out of 46, which is “kind of” rude. It looks like we maybe got more polite since 2022 however when we ranked 21st in rudeness.

Which city is the politest? Omaha, Nebraska leads the way with Minneapolis and San Diego right behind them.

While we technically were the 12th least rude city in the U.S. we didn’t fare as well in another study we ran across.

It seems we are the most overworked city in the entire country!

From the article on financebuzz, “Denver ranks above-average in every single metric we looked at, but the factor contributing the most to the city’s first-place finish is the percentage of households where two or more people work full-time jobs. Almost 62% of households in Denver fit that bill, the seventh-highest rate of any city.”

Wow, we were surprised. With all the things to do around the Front Range, we might have guessed differently, but there it is.

The full study on the most overworked cities in the U.S. can be found

Wondering what city is the least overworked? Us too, and it was Detroit, Michigan, with the lowest percentage of workers that are in the office at least 50 weeks per year — just 77.1%.

Fascinating stuff indeed.

Take some time off, Denver, don’t forget to smell the roses!

How to Prep Your Home for Winter 

By Guest Writer Nellia Melnyk

With breathtaking snow-capped mountains and a festive vibe, Denver winters can be both lovely and challenging. There’s always a chance of low temperatures and snowstorms. Getting your home ready for winter in Denver is important if you want to appreciate its beauty stress-free. Continue reading for crucial advice on winter-proofing your house so you won’t be caught off guard by the cold.

Inspection & Sealing of Windows & Doors

Windows and doors are typically the biggest sources of heat loss in the winter. It is essential to have these places inspected and sealed in order to preserve the energy efficiency of your house. To keep your house warm and energy-efficient, premium sealants will be applied, windows and doors will be examined for cracks and drafts, and a proper fit will be ensured.

Checking Your Heating System

An extensive examination of your furnace is the first step in checking your heating system. Your HVAC system may be safely inspected once a year to help find any issues before they become dangerous or require costly repairs.

Equally vital is having your chimney checked, since a clean, well-kept chimney reduces the likelihood of fires. To avoid winter emergencies, some proactive steps are essential.

Lastly, it wouldn’t hurt to confirm your carbon monoxide detector is operational.

Insulating Pipes to Avoid Freezing

Denver winters are typically turbulent. Pipes must be properly insulated in order to avoid freezing during the winter. Pipes in cold climes, particularly those in unheated rooms, are susceptible to freeze, burst, and sustain significant damage. Foam rubber or polyethylene foam insulation for pipelines is advised by local experts since these materials provide good protection from low temperatures.

Inspecting pipes for weak points and potential leaks is essential in addition to adding insulation, particularly to lines that pass-through attics, basements, or exterior walls. Experts are able to pinpoint regions that are more likely to freeze and recommend extra safety precautions like temperature management in underheated rooms or pipe heaters.

Gutter Cleaning & Maintenance

To prevent problems like ice dams caused by debris, it’s necessary to regularly clean and maintain your gutters. We talked to local expert Constantine Anest of Ethos Roofing, who explained, “Snowmelt cannot drain properly when gutters are clogged. This leads to clogs, which when they freeze, create ice dams. These ice dams have the potential to harm your walls, eaves, and roof. Gutter cleaning done correctly guarantees appropriate drainage during winter melting.”

Inspection of the Attic and Roof

Your roof should be carefully inspected for missing or damaged shingles in order to prepare as part of preparing your home for winter. If these issues aren’t taken care of right away, your roof might not be able to endure severe weather.

Examining the insulation in the attic is the next step. For the best heat retention, the insulation needs to be at least 12 inches thick.

Additionally, it’s a good idea to for any overhanging tree branches to be trimmed because heavy snowfall may cause them to snap and harm your roof.

General Cleaning

Conducting a thorough cleaning before winter will help create the ideal conditions for your comfort. Special attention should be given to cleaning and organizing seasonal items, such as winter clothing and footwear. Make sure all winter accessories, including gloves and hats, are clean and ready for use. It’s also worth cleaning or replacing textiles, such as blankets and pillows. Pay particular attention to eliminating excess clutter that might obstruct access to heating equipment, and check and clean carpets if necessary to prevent dust and allergens from accumulating. This cleaning will help create a more cozy and organized environment, making the winter season more comfortable.

Stock Up on Winter Supplies

In order to be ready for Denver’s heavy and unpredictable snow and ice, residents may wish to stock up on vital winter supplies as winter draws near. Space heaters for extremely chilly temperatures, ice melters, and snow shovels should all be on your list. Finally, in the event of a significant snowfall, it’s a good idea to stock up on non-perishable food. Although assembling these winter essentials isn’t tough, they can keep your family warm and secure over the long winter.

Stay Cozy and Embrace the Season

Remember that staying warm isn’t the only reason to get your house ready for Denver winters. The goal is to create a warm refuge that you and your loved ones can spend the entire season in. When the snow starts to fall, every little move you take now can have a significant impact. So, grab a blanket and start ensuring these standards are met! In the end, accepting the enchantment that winter brings is just as important as simply making it through. Prepare your house for the winter and start celebrating! 

Author’s Bio: Nellia Melnyk is a writer and content creator with a unique perspective on the sector and a deep understanding of what it takes to help people choose the right roofing solutions for their homes. She writes engaging and informative content that covers everything from roof repair and maintenance to the latest trends and technologies in the roofing industry. Through her articles and posts, she has helped countless people make informed decisions when it comes to their roofs. You can find her on LinkedIn.

November Ballot Initiatives 

You may have heard we have an election coming up.

No, we are not wandering into that minefield.

We are, however, going to stay closer to home and cover some of the important measures for us to consider.

For starters, Denver is proposing a sales tax increase of .34%, designed to cover the costs of patients who cannot cover hospital bills.

Another proposal would raise the sales and use tax by 1/2% to fund affordable housing. 

In all, there are 12 questions on the Denver ballot, including a ban on slaughterhouses and fur trading.

Also, both Denver Public Schools and the City of Denver want to significantly increase their debt to finance improvements. 

Big increases are being proposed, so it is an important time to take a look and understand what is up for vote.

There are also 14 statewide initiatives being proposed and they can be found here.

Those include some hot-button topics, starting with abortion rights in our state and whether or not public funds can be used, as well as a change in same-sex marriage validity.

That should stir people up for sure. 

Either way, it’s an important election for many reasons, so we hope you get out and vote.

Toll Lane Fines & Disputes 

We have written here in the past about the big fines you can earn if you do the wrong thing in a toll lane.

So, what happens if you get a citation in the mail and you didn’t do anything wrong?

Unfortunately, our research has turned up some bad news.

Toll lanes in Colorado are mostly maintained electronically. This means that using license plate information and AI, it’s pretty easy to get a ticket.

In fact, the automated enforcement has registered about 1,500 violations per day since it was started totaling $57 million in revenue via fines issued.

The Denver Post did a feature on this recently and from that article, “Colorado officials activated enforcement on Interstate 25 north of Denver and the C-470 beltway in October 2023 following an introduction in July 2023 on I-70 mountain express lanes. They plan to do the same on the I-25 express lane between Castle Rock and Monument and other express lanes around metro Denver”.

“Drivers are supposed to enter and exit express lanes only at designated points across dashed white lines. Blissway set up a network of sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence-assisted tracking technology after state lawmakers boosted CDOT’s authority to crack down on drivers who weave in and out of express lanes to avoid paying tolls.”

The scary part is the “appeals” process, which has come under fire from many drivers wishing to dispute their tickets.

Without diving too deeply into the details it is safe to say that the appeals process leaves a lot to be desired.

The article, which can be found here behind the Denver Post paywall, outlines examples of drivers appealing online and being rejected within 10 minutes of submission.

For more information on the enforcement program, you can visit the CDOT page here.

If you are one of the unlucky ones who has been issued a citation, you can attempt to appeal it here.

The bad news is it doesn’t seem to stand much of a chance. Be safe out there Denver, and don’t cross the solid line on the tollway!

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for August were Haydee Espinoza, Rosario De La Rosa, Nimia Espinoza, Maria Zapata, and Yessica Censo.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Socorro Ibarra and Mayra Soto.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of August.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Denver Concierge is dedicated to safeguarding our employees and our clients against unsafe products or tasks that may potentially create a health risk or damage to furnishings.

To this end, we at times may question a client’s instruction or request made to the Team Leader. 

Although each house has a work order with instructions specific to that house, clients frequently add to or subtract from the standard procedures. This allows for a more customized clean and we happily oblige. 

However, there are requests deemed to be outside the purview of our safety guidelines, such as the use of any product containing bleach, any heavy lifting (including flipping a mattress), dusting at heights, moving bulky furniture, organizing toys, clothing, or household items. 

We rely on our professional Team Leaders to know which tasks can be easily done and which should not be attempted. 

We appreciate our clients’ understanding and continued kindness to our ladies.  I thank you on their behalf.


August Newsletter 2024

Goodbye Summer & Hello Fall

In a few weeks, we say goodbye to summer. It always goes so fast. Soon, our 100-degree days will be turning into crisp fall days.

Speaking of weather, did you know that we hit 100 degrees six times in 2024? That is the third most in Denver’s recorded history. That made us wonder, what year had the most of those?

It was 2012, with 13 days over 100 degrees. Back in 2005, there were seven such days, which is good for second place all-time. So, if you were wondering if we had an unusually sizzling summer, you are 100% correct.

Fortunately, we didn’t beat the streak of five straight 100-degree days set also in 2005 and 2012. If you like to geek out about the weather, check out this site, it will tell you whatever you need to know about extreme weather pretty much anywhere.

Enough about the weather, we have holidays to celebrate! The next one falls on Monday, September 2nd. We will indeed be closed so our dedicated associates can take a well-earned 3-day weekend. 

We hope you enjoy it as well and remember to stay safe.

We have gone into the history of Labor Day a few times in the past and it has an interesting one for sure. In short, it celebrates the social and economic achievement of the American worker.

Over here at Denver Concierge, we get so wrapped up in cleaning houses and trying to manage our business that it’s easy to forget just how hard our folks work in your homes each week.

Let us take this time to celebrate those efforts and thank you for allowing us the platform to perform our duties. We thank you.

For all the details on Labor Day and why and when we celebrate it, check here.

Meanwhile, we wish you the best three-day weekend (heck maybe four if you took today off too!) with friends and family. 

Happy Labor Day weekend, we will see you on the other side!

Denver Food and Wine Festival

The Denver Food and Wine Festival has returned once again.

Billed as a “multi-day extravaganza of food, wine, and spirits events”, the festival begins on September 4th and will culminate with the Grand Tasting on September 7th at Tivoli Quad.

We have many clients and partners in the restaurant space, and we can assure you that it has not been a smooth road stretching back to COVID-19 days.

This event is sponsored by the Colorado Restaurant Foundation and is the industry’s biggest fundraiser.

There are many cool events, including the “Shake and Brake Showdown”, which will feature a cocktail competition and bites from Denver’s best food trucks.

If you love wine, the folks at Riedel are sponsoring a glassware seminar, which we have attended in the past.

If you love wine and want to learn about the importance of pairing the proper glassware and wine, we would recommend that one for sure. Plus, you get some amazing Riedel glassware for your trouble.

The complete schedule of events is here, we hope you join us in celebrating Denver’s wonderful restaurant scene.

Painful Overthinking 

Do you overthink? We sure do, usually thinking about innovative ways to delight our loyal clients.

Sometimes it’s random stuff, but it’s hard for us to shut off our brains. So much so that sometimes it hurts.

Well, loyal reader, you know us. This prompted us to see if overthinking makes your brain hurt, and guess what? It does, and science backs it up.

It’s important to realize that the science behind this doesn’t cover random thoughts or daydreaming, but intense mental exertion. 

From one of the articles we found on Medium, “Our findings show that mental effort feels unpleasant across a wide range of populations and tasks,”

“This is important for professionals, such as engineers and educators, to keep in mind when designing tasks, tools, interfaces, apps, materials, or instructions. When people are required to exert substantial mental effort, you need to make sure to support or reward them for their effort.”

Why then, does thinking too hard tax us so much? Simply, and also from the article, “When we think long and hard about something, toxic chemicals build up in the brain’s prefrontal cortex, the area that drives decision-making and problem-solving.”

“That leads to less-effective thinking, scientists reported in a 2022 study, and it seems to act as a circuit breaker, preventing us from thinking too much and blowing a fuse.”

Finally, and also very fascinating, Psychology Today published a study by McGill University that shows that humans will willingly choose physical pain over complex mental tasks.

That piece can be found here, and is very insightful.

The bottom line? Take some time off every now and then to let that big brain of yours recharge, especially if your head starts to hurt!!!

Leaf Peeping 

Colorado’s beautiful fall colors can rival just about anyone’s. Especially if you know where to go!

In that spirit, we wanted to give you the lowdown on where exactly the best “leaf peeping” can be found.

Plus, we really like “Leaf Peeping”. Don’t ask us why, but there’s just something cute about it.

Onward we go, and leave it to the nice folks at 5280 Magazine to give us the jumpstart we needed.

In their article, “8 Leaf-Peeping Mountain Getaways” (see, they like it too) they cover the best places to see our gorgeous fall transformation.

From hot springs getaways to a full fall immersion up on Grouse Mountain, they have some great destinations covered.

We also ran across a list from, with 10 places to see Colorado’s Fall Color and it is here.

Lastly, for you aspiring photographers, the folks at Nikon have a list of tips to get the shot of a lifetime, and it is here.

Happy trails and enjoy those colors!

Skyrocketing HOA Fees

Not long ago we talked about property taxes and their astronomical increases across our state.

Homeowner’s insurance is also on the rise, thanks to hail and fires across our state.

Now, it seems that those increases have rapidly crept into HOA fees.

40% of Coloradans belong to an HOA. If you are in a single-family dwelling, those fees can range from $500 to a few thousand dollars a year.

If you are in a high-end condo or townhome, however, those rates are much higher, sometimes exceeding $1000 monthly, on top of your mortgage payment.

It seems the increase in insurance rates and all other associated costs have led us to this. 

From the article on KRDO, “According to industry experts, those who live inside neighborhoods that have Home Owner Associations (HOA’s) may see a steep increase in their fees this year. They say it is because of two things: skyrocketing insurance costs and increasing labor costs.”

“A lot of our clients are seeing their costs increase up and down their budget, whether it’s because of the landscape contract increasing … or insurance, or the costs of our fees and management costs associated with running the association,” Brandon Helm, President of Warner Management said.”

Many HOA residents are seeing double or even triple their normal rates.

If you are in an HOA, Colorado has laws that may protect you. Unfortunately, there aren’t laws that prohibit increases nor any that cap what HOA’s can do.

The state does have an HOA resource and it can be found here.

Finally, it at least appears that there may be some property tax relief coming soon.

If you are having issues with your HOA, there are resources to help you with disputes, a good example is here.

Sure seems like increased costs are everywhere these days.

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for July were Maria Zapata, Haydee Espinoza, Josefina Quinonez, Cecilia Reyes, and Nimia Espinoza.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Socorro Ibarra and Laura Varela.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of July.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Many, many years ago when Denver Concierge was in its infancy we had a policy that we would not do partial cleans.

We would only clean the whole house top to bottom.

Fast forward to the present where costs across all sectors are pretty much off the charts, we have drastically modified our earlier MO. It suddenly seemed unfair and burdensome money-wise for clients to pay for seldom used rooms or areas. 

Clients now can choose which  rooms are to be cleaned each visit and communicate this by responding to the confirmation text they receive the day before each clean. 

The only criterion we ask for is, “keep it simple”.

If possible include whole rooms or levels rather than smaller areas or even pieces of furniture. (The only exception to this would be delicate antique items such as pianos, wall art, or sculptures which should be noted on the work order as a standard instruction). 

We want the team members to hit the ground running upon arrival rather than wait while their Team Leader unravels complicated instructions.

On a side note, please know any comments or concerns should be sent to me via text, as they occur. 

It is our responsibility to keep you happy and not have our folks in the field grapple with small irritants or preferences that could be easily remedied.

On the flip side, we also love to receive complimentary thoughts as they occur (which we immediately text to the team). 

Showing appreciation for a job well done goes a long way toward a happy work force, and for that we thank you.


July Newsletter 2024

Back to School Time

Summer break went fast, but at least it isn’t over quite yet. That happens for many of you when school starts up again, which in Denver is August 20th, at least for public schools. Adams County is the earliest, starting up on August 5th.

In that spirit, we thought we would share some ideas for making the transition back to school easier for everyone. As the new school year approaches, it’s the perfect time to set your child up for success with a few smart strategies.

First, establish a consistent routine. A regular schedule helps children adjust more easily and ensures they’re well-rested and prepared for each day. We vividly remember how grumpy we were on the first day of school, mainly because we weren’t prepped. The experts say to start the new routine a couple of weeks before school starts to avoid the shock of day one. 

Create a dedicated study area at home to minimize distractions and encourage focus. Equip this space with all necessary supplies and organize them to foster a productive environment.

Encourage your child to set achievable goals for the year. Whether improving grades, participating in extracurricular activities, or developing new skills, having clear objectives can boost motivation and performance.

Communicate openly with teachers and stay involved in your child’s education by attending meetings and monitoring progress.

Reinforce healthy habits by promoting balanced meals and regular exercise. A nutritious diet and physical activity contribute to better concentration and overall well-being.

Lastly, foster a positive mindset about learning. Celebrate achievements, however small, and provide support during challenges. A positive attitude can significantly impact your child’s academic journey.

We love the list we found, courtesy of, which gives seven great tips (don’t forget to shop for supplies, folks) here.

There is another fun list with great ideas, thanks to blog and we wanted to share that one as well.

By implementing these tips, you’ll help your child start the school year on the right foot and set them up for a successful and enjoyable experience.

The complete schedule for all Denver area schools can be found here, courtesy of KOSI 101.

Good luck and we wish you the best for a successful 2024 scholastic year!

Best States to Retire To?

Our first thought? Arizona, Florida, the Carolinas? 


Thanks to the creative peeps at Bankrate, we have discovered that the best place to retire to is…..


That’s it pictured above. It looks nice enough.

As you can imagine, this headline caught our eye and we were determined to learn more.

Then, we were determined to share it with you, our loyal reader, so here goes.

So, what was the methodology? From the article, “Bankrate created a comprehensive ranking of the best and worst states for retirement by analyzing dozens of data points for each U.S. state, such as living costs, health care costs, overall well-being, and more.”

“We kept our methodology the same as last year’s list and ranked states based on five broad categories: affordability (40 percent), overall well-being (25 percent), the cost and quality of health care (20 percent), weather (10 percent) and crime (5 percent).”

 So, where are the top 5 retirement destinations based on those inputs?

  1. Delaware
  2. West Virginia
  3. Georgia
  4. South Carolina (we got one right)
  5. Missouri

The worst states for retirement?

  1. Alaska
  2. New York
  3. Washington
  4. California
  5. North Dakota

Our fine state came in 44th, but 2nd in healthcare affordability and quality, so we have that going for us.

The full piece on the best states to retire can be found here.

We really aren’t sure what to make of this, other than maybe Delaware isn’t too bad.

Latest Scam Alerts-PayPal & Amazon

We try to change it up in our monthly newsletter. Now and then we revisit topics that we think are useful, so here goes.

In January, we wrote about scams involving AI impersonating loved ones, which was scary. 

This month, we wanted to alert you to a couple of “next-level” scams that are circulating and are very easy to fall for.

First the Amazon Prime scam. Users are receiving text messages about their Prime accounts, typically telling them their account is suspended or paused due to a payment issue.

An example? Amazon: Due to a payment issue, your Prime membership has been paused; Please recheck the details on file. 

At this point they want you to click on the link or reply, which you should never do.

From the article on Fox News,  “An Amazon spokesperson said account issue scams involve fake billing issues, and may refer to unauthorized account access. The message will often threaten account suspension unless the fake issue is resolved urgently.”

We also ran across a PayPal scam that is very, very good. We don’t have enough space here to lay it all out for you, but the details can be found in this piece on Medium.

It is most definitely worth a read, and you can learn about Phishing, Vishing, and Smishing. Yes, those are real terms.

The big takeaway is that scammers are smart and are using tools that evade even the most discerning people. 

They have set up fake call centers and will attempt to get you on the line with one of their “representatives” to solve the “problem”. This is where the trouble starts.

The bottom line? Don’t click on random links, and surely don’t expect that Amazon, PayPal, Google, or any other big tech-driven company wants to talk to you on the phone. 

If you have ever really tried to contact one of these companies by phone, you surely know that is not the way they work. 

Stay safe Denver.

E-470 Widening Update 

Not long ago, we updated everyone on the E-470 widening project, which began in 2022.

Since then, it’s been working its way down from north to south. 

Most recently the project widened the highway from I-70 to 104th Ave (approximately 11 miles). There is a new tolling gantry north of I-70, a new interchange at 38th Avenue and 48th Avenue, and interchange improvements at 56th Avenue and 64th Avenue, according to the project page.

Also from the project page, “While construction is underway, concrete barriers will be in place throughout the work zone. People should expect intermittent single-travel lane closures on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. as well as during overnight hours between 7 p.m. and 5 a.m.”

“When cones are set and picked up during these daily lane closures, construction crews, and law enforcement will slow roll traffic to speeds around 5 mph. This is done for the safety of the workers in the construction zone. E-470 message boards will alert people about the work in advance. The public’s patience and cooperation are greatly appreciated. All work is weather-dependent and subject to change.”

As the project moves towards Pena Boulevard, we should all be aware of potential slowdowns as we head toward DIA for travel.

The project is anticipated to be complete by 2025, and a complete visual project overview can be found here.

To be updated on the project via email, you can sign up for updates here.

Safe travels everyone!

Colorado’s Fastest Growing Cities 

If you guessed Denver, incorrect. Boulder? Incorrect. Not even Fort Collins, which has had solid growth over the past 10 years.

If you guessed the fine city of Windsor, Colorado, you win the prize.

For years, we could hardly fathom the population growth in Denver and Boulder.

According to the latest numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau, that is not the case anymore.

Covering the past three years, Denver was flat at 0.1% growth. Boulder lost 2.2% of its population, while Colorado Springs gained 2%. Even mighty Fort Collins only gained 0.3% over the period measured.

Windsor indeed set the pace, with a 23.3% increase in population. Erie was right behind with 17% and Castle Rock came in 3rd with 11.3% growth.

Overall, and from the article in the Coloradoan, “Colorado saw a 1.8% population growth between July 1, 2020, and July 1, 2023.”

“The state gained 103,903 people during that period and now ranks 21st among states in population with an estimated 5,877,610 people.”

“The states closest in population to Colorado are Wisconsin with 5,910,955 people and Minnesota with 5,737,915.”

The complete article published by the Coloradan can be found here, very interesting read.

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for June were Nimia Espinoza, Maria Zapata, Josefina Quinonez, Patricia Rodriguez, and Xochitl Tehuacatl.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Mayra Soto and Isela Mendoza.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of June.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

When Denver Concierge is cleaning a client’s home the team has a responsibility to be vigilant and take note of anything untoward, no matter how insignificant it may seem.

The protocol is to text me, with a photo if applicable. I then contact the client.  

We have had reports of a pipe rupturing, people at the door demanding to be let in, a garage door that won’t close, and an animal taken sick, as examples, Just last week a team entered a home to the sound of the fire alarm going off.

Being able to contact the client in any situation is paramount, especially in the event the client is outside of Denver for any period of time.

We hope you will add us to your travel to-do list.

Note to self: “Reminder to text Denver Concierge my emergency contact number before we leave.”

In the same vein, I am in constant contact with the Team Leaders during the day, so the client can always get a quick message to them if something crops up and needs to be taken care of at the house and the client is not able to get there. 

We are always happy to help and just a text away.


June Newsletter 2024

Still Green Clean Certified 

Along with celebrating our nation’s independence in a week or so, Denver Concierge also celebrates another year of certified green cleaning.

We are happy to announce that we have been recertified 100% “Green” by the Green Clean Institute once again. 

Our certification goes back nearly 20 years, as we were the very first cleaning company in Colorado to attain this level of certification.

Our staff is very well versed in all elements of environmentally friendly cleaning, and we only use earth-friendly products. Our very own Queen Bee talks more about this later on, so we won’t say anything more, other than we are proud and honored to lead the way in Denver on this front.

Speaking of Denver, it’s a good time to wish you all a very happy Independence Day.

Lots of things going on here and across the Front Range, we thought we would get you started on the right foot!

This year, July 4 falls on a Thursday, and all government institutions, banks, etc. will be closed. Hmmm, smells like a four-day weekend to us, but we will let you tangle with that one.

We will be closed on the 4th to commemorate this holiday.

As far as things to do in Denver, published its annual cornucopia of events and it can be found here.

From concerts, the arts, sports, and fireworks, we have lots to do here.

Mile High on the Cheap put out a nice list of fireworks shows, parades and the like for your review here. Finally, Eventbrite put their spin on things to do across the Front Range as well.

We wish you the best for a safe and enjoyable Independence Day, no matter what you decide to do.

As always, thank you for supporting our independent small business!!!! We love doing what we do; without you, it wouldn’t be possible.

Happy 4th!!!!

How Many Cigarettes in a Bottle of Wine?

As an avid reader, you probably have surmised that we enjoy a glass of wine or two now and then.

We don’t smoke cigarettes though, so the headline that we found and shared above caught our eye for sure.

The lead part of the piece we found on Medium reads: “In 2023, The World Health Organization (WHO) released a bluntly but succinctly titled report called “No level of alcohol consumption is safe for our health.”

“In the report, the WHO stated, “Alcohol is a toxic, psychoactive, and dependence-producing substance and has been classified as a Group 1 carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer decades ago-this is the highest risk group, which also includes asbestos, radiation, and tobacco.”

That was an eye-opening start. We went on to learn that while tobacco is responsible for 8% of cancer deaths each year, alcohol is second, with 6%. We did not know this.

The takeaway was hard for us to swallow (see what we did there?). No amount of alcohol is considered safe. The Lancet published an article late last year which echoes the WHO report.

The answer to the question posed? One bottle of wine has the same carcinogenic risk as 5 cigarettes for men, and 10 for women. 

Like many other pleasures humans enjoy, this one does not come without risk. 

We cannot promise that we won’t drink wine anymore, but information like this gives us reason to consider reducing our intake for sure.

The complete article on Medium can be found here.

Warm Weather Pest Prevention

By Guest Writer Tammy Pitts

Summer is here and as the temperature rises in the Denver area, so does the risk of pest infestations. Mosquitoes, ants, spiders, fruit flies, and other pests are more active in the warmer months, but you don’t have to let them ruin your summer fun.

Spring cleaning and organizing your home will not only give you a sparkling place to relax in, but it also makes your home less attractive to unwanted pests. Take action now to keep bugs out of your home with these smart cleaning tips.

Keep Your Kitchen Spotless


Your kitchen is a prime target for insects and rodents because of the food and water sources.

●  To keep pests out of your kitchen, clean the space daily. Immediately clean up crumbs and spills –– bugs are attracted to the smallest food particles. So, wipe down counters with a disinfectant, and sweep and mop your floors regularly.

●  Store food properly using airtight containers for cereal, sugar, and other items. Refrigerate all perishable foods. Don’t even leave pet food in bowls overnight. Once your animal has finished their meal, scrub their bowls with hot water and soap before you retire for the evening.

●  Empty the trash. Don’t let it pile up in a garbage bag or bin in your kitchen. Immediately take all trash outdoors to the proper bins. Keep in mind, trash bins are a magnet for pests and animals like raccoons. Be sure to use cans with tight-fitting lids and make sure all garbage bags are tightly knotted closed before you put the bag into the bin. Consider pressure washing the trash bin at least once a week as trash cans and bins can get stinky, and the odor attracts buzzing flies.

●  Clean dishes promptly. Don’t let dirty dishes pile up in your sink. If waiting to run the dishwasher, make sure the door is shut fully, and rinse sticky gunk from the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher.

Organize all Clutter

While you’re cleaning your kitchen, don’t forget about the other rooms in your home. Vacuum all furniture and floors regularly. The closets in the bedroom should be organized with clothing items in neat piles or put away.

● Organize your storage by utilizing plastic bins with lids that snap close versus cardboard boxes which can attract pests.

●  Get rid of paper piles –– paper attracts cockroaches and silverfish, among other bugs. Recycle old newspapers, magazines, and cardboard boxes on a regular basis.

●  Keep all desks, drawers, and shelves free of clutter and unnecessary items.

Eliminate Standing Water

Pests like mosquitoes only need about a tablespoon of water to lay their eggs in. To minimize standing water in and around your home:

●  Repair any leaks. Fix leaky faucets, pipes, or appliances. Even a small drip from a leaky garden hose can attract mosquitoes.

●       Remove standing water from your dog or cat’s water bowls daily. Change their water frequently and clean the bowls to prevent bugs from using your pet bowl as a water source.

●  Check for clogged gutters and make sure any downspouts are clean and directing water away from your home. Remove any containers that could collect rainwater.

●  Check your pipes. Leaking pipes can provide the perfect water source for pests. When cleaning your bathrooms and basement, watch out for any areas below pipes that have moisture.

●  Flip chairs, benches, toys, and anything else that holds water after a rainstorm.

Mosquitoes are not just a nuisance –– they carry diseases –– so you want to protect yourself and your pets from them. Consider installing a mosquito misting system to eliminate them for good around your property.

Seal Entry Points

Pests, like spiders, ants and rodents, can enter your home or office through the smallest cracks. You can keep them out by sealing all cracks and gaps with caulk or weatherstripping around windows and doors. Add door sweeps to all exterior doors to close any gaps at the bottom of the door.

Keep up with Lawn Maintenance


Cleaning the outside of your home is just as important as the inside when prepping for warmer weather.  Hauling away all the trash and debris around your backyard, patio, deck, and porch is an efficient way to eliminate bugs.

And yard maintenance is a must-do! Remove all wood piles, as stacks of wood attract all sorts of pests.

●  Trim bushes and trees –– overgrown bushes and trees provide the coverage pests need to not only thrive, but make their way inside your home, especially if the trees and bushes brush against your home or hang over your roof.

●  Get rid of weeds.

●  Cut overgrown grass. Summer lawn care tips for Denver include raise the mower blade on cool-season lawns (like Kentucky bluegrass) to 3” while continuing regular mowing.

By actively maintaining your outdoor spaces and taking preventative measures inside your home, you can reduce the number of pests invading your home or bugging you while you’re out in your yard relaxing on warm spring and summer nights.

But even with diligent cleaning, it can be quite the challenge to keep unwanted bugs from getting in. And that’s where we come in! Denver Concierge can help you maintain a clean home. We offer both a long-term maid service, or one-time cleanings.  Give us a call today.

Tammy has an extensive background in journalism, media relations, social media strategy, marketing, and brand management. She resides in Michigan with her family which includes her two sons and their Goldendoodle, Max. In her free time, she loves to read and travel.

Best Run Cities in the US 

We look at lots of lists and rankings of our fair city.

Used to be, Denver was at the top of nearly every list we looked at, whether it was quality of life, fitness, education, you name it, we were there.

Not anymore it seems. Wallethub did a very comprehensive survey of the “Best Run Cities in the US”, and we wanted to share that here.

From Cassandra Happe, the lead analyst on the study, ” “The best-run cities in America use their budgets most effectively to provide high-quality financial security, education, health, safety and transportation to their residents.”

“Many of the top cities also have a very low amount of outstanding government debt per capita, which can prevent financial troubles in the future.”

Using the following six metrics, the study ranked 148 cities in the U.S.:

  1. Financial Stability
  2. Education
  3. Health
  4. Safety
  5. Economy
  6. Infrastructure/Pollution

The winner? See the charming photo above for a shot of Nampa, Idaho.

While we are super happy for Nampa, we kept scrolling down for Colorado cities.

At 46, Colorado Springs. Not bad. Aurora comes in at 69.

Coming in at 141 out of 148? Denver, Colorado. Ouch.

We were able to sneak past the likes of Tacoma, Cleveland, Flint, MI, New York, Oakland, Gulfport, and the “winner” of dead last, San Francisco.

We did, however get beat by Detroit, who sneaked in at 140. 

We certainly realize what a challenge it must be to run a city of Denver’s size and scope.

That said, it would appear we have a long way to go to recapture our former glory.

The complete and very interesting study can be found here.

Erroneous IRS Letters

This may come as a surprise to some of you, but the IRS recently screwed up.

From the recent bulletin from Consumer Reports, “If you received a notice of a “balance due” from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and you’re sure you paid everything you owe, you can probably breathe a little easier.”

“Consumer Affairs has learned from the tax agency that an unknown number of taxpayers received the notice because of a system “glitch” and if they made all their payments on time, they owe nothing.”

So, if you received a notice but have already paid your tax in full, there is no immediate action required.

From the IRS directly, “The IRS is aware that some taxpayers are receiving CP14 (Balance Due, No Math Error) notices indicating a balance due even though payments were made with their 2023 tax return.”

The good news is that if you paid on time, these notices can be disregarded, although it’s a solid idea to check your bank statements to ensure the payment has cleared.

If you didn’t pay on time, the IRS issued a stark warning, reminding taxpayers that “Under tax laws, the agency pointed out that missed tax payments could mean 8 percent interest on what’s owed that compounds daily. Meanwhile, there will also be a 5 percent penalty per month on unexplained late filing of taxes and the late payment would cost 0.5 percent, which top out at 25 percent.”

“The IRS also reminded people that paying what they can as soon as possible will limit penalty and interest charges, which can grow quickly under the tax laws,” the tax agency said in a statement on its website on Monday.”

Those are close to loan shark rates, so we hope you all got your taxes paid on time.

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for May were Josefina Quinonez, Cecilia Reyes, Maria Zapata, Nimia Espinoza, and Haydee Espinoza.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Natalia Olivas and Laura Varela.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of May.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

We care about our earth. 

Denver Concierge was the first Colorado cleaning firm to be certified by the Green Clean Institute going back over 17 years ago!

As much as we love saying yes to our client requests there are times when we must say an emphatic but polite “no”.

We have been asked to use bleach or products containing bleach. That is a “no”.

Ammonia? “No”.

Caustic sprays designed to clean inside ovens? Also a “no”.

Aerosol products for dusting furniture? Hope you guessed “no”.

Why all the “no’s” you may wonder, especially from a company that prides itself in saying “yes”?

Simply, we bring only our green-certified products. They are few and they are simple. They are non-injurious to humans, animals, or the environment. 

If accidentally spilled, they will not harm furniture, carpets, floors, or house plants.

The high standard of cleanliness we have maintained over the years in our clients’ homes is proof that the earth-friendly concept can prevail over a blatant disregard for the health of our planet and its inhabitants.

As always, many, many thanks to our hard-working ladies. They make it happen. Muchas Gracias!


May Newsletter 2024

Did AI Write This Newsletter?

Spoiler alert. No, it didn’t.

We haven’t found an AI as quirky or quite as weird as we are, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

In fact, lots of folks are using AI now to write emails and other important correspondence, both business and personal.

We have written here in the past about AI and its benefits (and dangers) and we still aren’t sure about just how far we want to go with its use.

How exactly would one tell if they had received an AI-generated correspondence? We found a very informative piece that covers the best ways to tell if content you are reading was AI-generated and it can be found here.

We remain fascinated by this concept and are constantly exploring ways that we can utilize AI to become more efficient (like charting cancellations, and other metrics that might give us better ways to operate). 

Thankfully, AI hasn’t learned how to clean a home yet, and that is still what we are best at. 

On the other hand, Elon Musk recently said that “jobs will be optional for humans” in a benign future where robots and AI handle all human jobs currently in existence. Heady stuff for sure, where today’s jobs become “hobbies” for humans. 

Robot cleaners? Certainly possible, luckily this is as close as we have today, and it doesn’t come close to what our obsessive crews can do in your home.

For a great review of the best ways to use AI in today’s world, check out this article here.

Meanwhile, we will keep showing up and cleaning your homes the old-fashioned way, and we will continue to provide our newsletter the same way!

So thanks for reading our very “human-written” newsletter for May 2024.

Read on for some great estate planning tips, a guest writer and Denver’s very expensive plan for revitalization. Enjoy!

Estate Planning Tips

Our Mom said that it’s never too early to start planning. Of course, we were (and still are) classic procrastinators, so we know she was right.

So, when we ran across this article from Edward Jones on common mistakes people make while estate planning, we figured we should dive in.

No one likes to think about their death, but having things clear and in order for those left behind is a great gift indeed.

From the article on Edward Jones, “Estate planning is about more than documenting your intentions for distribution purposes. Sharing your plan and the rationale behind it is a powerful way to pass on your values, purpose and vision for your legacy with your children and future generations.”

It’s essential to communicate the roles and responsibilities to those you have named in a fiduciary capacity in your documents (such as an executor, trustee or agent under power of attorney). Those individuals should be comfortable with and prepared for the duties you’re asking them to perform.”

Excellent advice from 30,000 feet, but how does that translate into what we need to do?

We are glad you asked.

Investopedia put together the best quick list we have seen about what you need and how to start the proper estate plan here.

The most common theme we found when researching this? Only 33% of adults in the U.S have created estate planning documents. Yikes, that’s a big number of folks that don’t.

Also, 60% of people without a will reported not taking any action to create a will and also haven’t made a living trust or any other estate planning document.

That was enough for us to get started, and we hope it motivates you as well.

For those of you that like to do stuff yourself, there is also a cool company called Everplans, that will walk you through the process.

We don’t want you to end up like Prince, who had no will and his estate took six years to settle.

Here’s to having a plan!

Denver’s $500M Revitalization 

In the face of all the other things going on around town, you may have missed Mayor Mike Johnston’s announcement referencing the above project.

On May 9, our mayor held the news conference pictured above to announce his pledge to make Denver “the most vibrant city center” in the country.

From the news conference, “I think cities across America are facing a shared crisis as offices and downtowns have struggled to recover post-pandemic,” he said. “Many are wondering: Will our downtowns ever recover again? Should we just give up on them as some relic from a bygone era?” 

“We know we cannot have a thriving Denver without a thriving downtown,” he said. “We can’t have a thriving Colorado without a thriving Denver. We can’t have a Rocky Mountain West that thrives without a thriving Colorado, which means the economic recovery of 10 states starts in this neighborhood.”

The proposal actually includes a website where people can offer suggestions about ways to revitalize our city.

From KDVR, “The investment will go toward more housing options, more child care options and more accessible and welcoming public spaces, ultimately retaining and attracting more world-class businesses where people will want to shop and work, according to the release.”

Interesting and exciting news for Denver, and the timeline would have the project launching by 2025 when funding could be approved at the earliest.

The proposed timeline is below:

  • Spring/summer 2024: Outreach and engagement with stakeholders, property owner interest portal open
  • Summer 2024: Downtown Area Plan kicks off with downtown residents, businesses, and organizations; City Council refers ballot measure
  • Fall 2024: Vibrant Denver citywide outreach; district special election; City Council actions to update and expand DDA
  • Winter 2024/2025: Property owner petition process formally begins, informed by 2024 outreach, city releases application for funding downtown revitalization projects
  • 2025: Anticipated availability of DDA funding for approved projects

Home Renovation Primer 

By Guest Writer Thomas Hodge

Your home may be in dire need of a pick-me-up or perhaps you desire something bigger and better. Home renovations present an excellent opportunity to upgrade and rejuvenate your living space. Today, Denver Concierge will go over the fundamentals of home renovations and give you pointers on how to bring your project to life. 

Home Remodeling Pros and Cons

Undertaking a home renovation can evoke a cocktail of emotions – from exhilaration to apprehension. While it offers a chance to breathe life into your decor vision and create a living space that truly feels like home, it can also be an arduous and resource-intensive undertaking. A major remodel demands careful consideration of the many pros (such as significant property value appreciation) as well as the inevitable cons (such as the commotion and upheaval of disrupting daily routines).

Choosing Your Renovation

In today’s world where remote work has become the norm, adding a home office or multipurpose room is a highly sought-after home renovation project. Moreover, you can also consider popular options such as upgrading your kitchens or bathrooms, installing energy-efficient windows or doors to save on bills, or giving your flooring surfaces a modern makeover. For those who love the outdoors, adding an elegant deck or patio will be a perfect way to transform your backyard into a relaxing haven.

Organize Your Documents 

These days, it seems like we’re always surrounded by documents – and that only intensifies when you’re planning a major project! You can make things easier on yourself by digitizing your documents, though. Simply convert them to PDFs, then merge the files and save them on your devices. You won’t have to worry about losing anything. There are free tools you can use to simplify the process, as well; check it out. 

Defining What You Want to Achieve

Before beginning your renovation project, it is crucial to establish a clear vision for your desired outcome to ensure success. Defining renovation goals, whether a sleek modern kitchen or a cozy outdoor living space, is a necessary first step. It is equally important to create a realistic budget that includes unexpected expenses and necessary permit fees. By taking these proactive measures, you will lay the foundation for a successful renovation experience.

Applying For Home Renovation Financing

If you’re short on cash for your renovations, don’t hesitate to apply for a home improvement loan from your local bank or credit union. However, keep in mind that lenders typically require proof of employment and income history to approve your loan, so make sure you have all the necessary documents ready to go. It’s important to note that interest rates can differ between financial institutions, so it’s essential to explore all your options before making any decisions on loans.

Linking Up With Trustworthy Contractors

To ensure the successful completion of your renovation project, it is crucial to connect with reputable contractors in your area who specialize in the type of renovation you are undertaking. Utilize online review sites that provide detailed information about contractors including their expertise level and customer feedback ratings to guide your decision-making process. By doing so, you can maximize satisfaction levels for everyone involved while minimizing disruptions throughout the completion times.

Adding Brighter Colors

To create a positive and energizing atmosphere in your renovated space, always incorporate brighter colors whenever possible. These hues can help enhance the overall mood of the room and create a space where people feel happier and more content. Additionally, utilizing vibrant tones can provide visual stimulation without overwhelming visitors, leaving them with something enjoyable to look at.

Renovating your home can feel like an overwhelmingly challenging endeavor, but with the right mindset, approach, and resources anyone can transform their living space to reflect their style and preferences. From adding smart home features to creating a home office, there is a wide spectrum of possibilities to make the most of your renovation project. By investing in your home, you’ll also find that it adds both value and comfort to your life, making your efforts all the more rewarding.

At Denver Concierge, our professional maid service teams provide many services to suit your needs and to keep your house in tip-top shape. Visit our website to learn more!

New State Bills Passed Into Law

It’s that time of year again, as the 2024 Colorado legislative session ended on May 8.

What new bills passed, and what changes are coming in our fine state?

In 2024 there were 705 bills presented, compared to 617 in 2023. 

Those included land-use bills, a bill to reintroduce wolverines, various oil and gas measures, and some gun bills.

5280 did a nice recap of 11 important bills that were sent to Governor Polis for his review and it can be found here.

So, what got put into law in Colorado? For starters, on May 16, he signed gun regulations, property tax measures and oil and gas plan into law.

Also, earlier on Wednesday May 29, Governor Polis signed bills around water resources, mountain rail projects and access to better telehealth. An update on those bills passed is here.

All in all, a very interesting session in what is being called the “year of transit”.

Lots of changes to be aware of, especially for any of you that concealed carry or have a firearm in your vehicle.

For those of you wondering what might have been vetoed, Polis vetoed six bills and those are covered in this article from CPR.

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for April were Guadalupe Caloca, Maria Zapata, Silvia Anguiano, Fidelia Bautista, and Nimia Espinoza.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Mayra Sota and  Socorro Ibarra.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of April.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Happy International Hug Your Cat Day!

Although Denver is often referred to as Dogver, due to its intense fondness for dogs, cats surely hold their own in the Mile High City.

Around 100,000 feral cats are living in Denver. This is very close to the number of feral cats living on the streets of Budapest, where cats are treated with Godlike reverence, fed, pampered, entertained, and welcomed inside most public places. 

Many of our clients who have cats have multiple cats, hence the proliferation of signs posted on doors and gates throughout the properties: Do Not Let the Cats Out!! 

So far we haven’t.

The feral cats of Denver are no less loved than their indoor cousins. Much like those in Budapest, there are volunteer groups who tend to these cat colonies regularly. 

They trap them to get them immunized, neutered, and treated for infections. They build shelters. They provide safe food and water. They care for them. 

So it may be Dogver, but only because cats are silent, nonchalant creatures, going about their business with little or no disruption to the rhythm of the city.

But they are there. Watching. 


April Newsletter 2024

Denver Spring Happenings

This month, we wanted to take a look at stuff going on in and around Denver this spring.

Of course, it is also Small Business Week, so we normally talk about that, and if you want to learn more you can find out here. Of course, as a small business, we are proud to be part of the fabric of commerce here in Denver.

Beyond that, it is indeed spring and there is a lot to do in and around Denver, and we wanted to share some ideas (and places) in this month’s newsletter.

Following that, we have an update on both DIA and Larimer Square, and an excellent fitness test for us all to try, which can accurately predict your lifespan, or so they say.

Also, if you have ever wondered if there are regions of the country that are “smarter” than others, we have your answers. Read on to see more.

Meanwhile, what is going on across the Front Range this spring?

For starters, May will feature both Cinco De Mayo celebrations as well as the annual Denver Arts Festival. 

For those of you (like us) who love Red Rocks, the full schedule is out as well and Axios published a list here of their favorite shows coming there in 2024. Red Rocks has also undergone some changes over the past year, and those can be found here.

Our loyal readers will also know we love to dine out in our fine city, so we wanted to share 5280’s list of Denver’s best new restaurants in 2024. 

We also cherish the old establishments in our city, like Buckhorn Exchange and My Brother’s Bar. For the nostalgic in the audience, 5280 came up with a cool list of 12 of our most iconic bars and restaurants and you can enjoy that here.

The bottom line, is there are so many remarkable things to do here that we don’t have space for all of them. Some fun links below for your reading pleasure:

Spring and Summer Festival Schedule

10 Things to do in Denver this spring

Day trips and adventures

Trip Advisor top Denver area activities

Rockies schedule

We feel spoiled when we realize all the wonderful things we have to do here in Denver. We are happy to share a few of our favorites and we hope to see you out and about.

We wish the best to you and yours for a great spring!

DIA & Busiest Airports

If you haven’t been to the airport lately, you might be in for a surprise.

The old North and South screening checkpoints are no more. Well, the South still exists but the North is no more, replaced by the new, state-of-the-art West.

If you are confused, so were we, but after using it we have to say that the new setup is pretty high-tech.

Located on level 6 behind United, there are 3 separate entrances for different travelers. The announcement and all the details behind the new security area can be found here.

You can also now reserve a spot in security in advance, which is very innovative and should save time.

The new checkpoint is part of the second phase of the $2.1 billion Great Hall Program, which will be completed by the end of 2027, with segments opening along the way. The new East Security Checkpoint will open by the end of 2025.

To learn more about the Great Hall Project or sign up for the project newsletter visit the project page.

Meanwhile, DIA has dropped in the world rankings of busiest airports but is still 3rd busiest in the U.S. and 6th worldwide. 

While the DIA Great Hall project has undergone much scrutiny and criticism,  we are happy to see progress being made. 

Safe travels everyone!

Larimer Square Update

Not long ago, we wrote about the troubles facing Larimer Square and what the plan going forward was going to be.

Now, three years later, the $20 million effort to restore Larimer Square is almost complete.

From the recent article in the Denver Business Journal, “It’s been more than three years since North Carolina-based Asana Partners purchased Larimer Square for $92.5 million. Now, the developers are wrapping up a yearslong, $20 million effort that’s “restoring its former glory,” according to Ashley McDonald, senior director of development at Asana Partners.”

“Currently, scaffolding remains at one of the 18 buildings along Larimer Square slated for renovation, with signage up from Denver-based Building Restoration Specialties Inc. After the exit of multiple tenants from the street to make way for the renovations, the end of the road is near, with the final building’s exterior restoration finishing up in May.”

We think this is particularly good news, and it seems other folks do too, as some very strong retail brands have committed to a presence in the renovated square.

For a complete update with all the details on the project, visit Mile High CRE here.

Larimer Square also has its own website with a list of all retailers here.

We are so happy to see Denver protecting one of its historical areas and the heart of our city. Well done!

10-Second Longevity Test 

How long will you live? If we knew that we would tell you for sure.

Seriously though, none of us has a clue, but researchers have found a quite simple way to help determine longevity. 

Can you stand on one leg for 10 seconds?

If you can, then you are ahead of the game.

From the article on Inc.:

Researchers had participants — all between the ages of 51 and 75 — attempt to stand on one leg for 10 seconds. Over a seven-year period, people who could not stand on one leg for 10 seconds (approximately 20 percent of the total) were four times as likely to have died.”

“Even when the researchers accounted for other factors like age, sex, body mass index, and comorbidities (a fancy word for the presence of two or more diseases or medical conditions), those who could not stand on one leg for 10 seconds were still twice as likely to die in the subsequent seven years than those who could.”

As the researchers write:

The ability to successfully complete the (ten-second one-leg stand) is independently associated with all-cause mortality and adds relevant prognostic information beyond age, sex and several other anthropometric and clinical variables.”

Wow. Kind of stunning, really. 

When we tried this, we were a bit wobbly but upright, so we hope you are better than we are.

Meanwhile, it’s time for us to work on our balance, core, and muscle strength so we can stay upright!!!

The full article and methodology can be found here.

How Smart is Colorado?

There seems to be a notion that some parts of the United States are smarter than others.

Anecdotally, the South seems to get picked on the most, and the folks in the Northeast seem pretty highbrow to us, so we figured we would investigate.

What did we find?

Seems there is something to the anecdotal evidence that we noted above.

The smartest states? Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Go figure.

Mississippi and Louisiana at the bottom, and bang, all stereotypes are in place. 

What was odd about the list? California rolling in at 48, for starters. Hawaii and New Mexico rounded out the bottom five.

This notion started in our brains with this article by Medium which does a nice job of capturing the societal aspects of the data.

Our fine state ranks 15th in Safe Home’s rankings of smartest Americans, which uses a different and more complex methodology than pure IQ.

From a pure IQ standpoint, Colorado ranks 20th, The best website we found that parsed the data out in a reader-friendly way is here at

Fascinating information really and might come in handy if you need to win a bar bet sometime. 

We hope you enjoy looking into this, we sure did.

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for March were Maria Zapata, Sandra Vidales, Patricia Rodriguez, Nimia Espinoza, and Haydee Espinoza.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Socorro Ibarra and Natalia Olivas.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of March.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

April is Dog Appreciation Month. 

Denver Concierge considers every month dog appreciation month. We love dogs great and small. Most love us back. Many of our clients’ dogs greet us eagerly each visit with wagging tails and enthusiastic jumps. Others not so much. 

But there are ways to establish an atmosphere of calm co-existence between our teams and all dogs, even those who see us as invaders. 

Formally introducing the dog on the first meet and greet shows the dog that these are welcome guests. A dog called by his given name is more likely to respond positively to requests.

Clients may feel the dog would be more at ease in his crate during the clean, or in another room. Long walks are fun as is time spent in the backyard chasing squirrels. A day at the doggy spa can’t be topped. 

Doggie biscuits left on the counter are helpful. If the dog is free to roam during the clean, these can be handy in convincing Lilly or Mookie to move to another area and are also valuable to calm loud welcoming barks that may go on a tad too long. 

We appreciate the consideration our clients show our ladies by the thoughtful arrangements they make for their furry friends on clean days. We know this can be bothersome. The effort means a great deal to our ladies. 

On our part, please rest assured that while we are guests in your home, we treat all your pets with kindness and compassion due to all animals everywhere. 


March Newsletter 2024

Happy Earth Month

You may have heard of Earth Day, which happens annually on April 22nd. However, you may not know that April is Earth Month.

Earth Day was started back in the 1970’s and is widely considered to be the genesis of the environmental movement in the USA.

The benefits of Earth Month are manifold. It serves as a powerful reminder of our shared responsibility to foster sustainable practices and protect natural resources. By raising awareness about environmental issues, Earth Month encourages people to adopt eco-friendly habits, such as reducing waste, conserving water, and minimizing carbon footprints.

At Denver Concierge, we do everything we can to minimize our footprint and do our part for the environment. As we have discussed here many times, we were the first Green Clean Institute-certified cleaning company in the entire state!

Every product we use is certified green and earth-friendly. 

We also train our people on ways to limit our footprint and to make decisions in the field that are environmentally friendly whenever possible.

So, we are here to remind you that by utilizing our services, you are indeed contributing to the environmental health of our planet, even if it is in a small way.

Finally, we have some cool stuff in this month’s newsletter. We have a rail line update on points north, a guest writer, and tips on how to deal with IRS matters, including extensions and filing tips.

We hope you enjoy it, and we thank you for using our earth-friendly company! 

Denver to Boulder Railway Plan

The notion of a rail line from Denver to parts north is not a new one.

In February, the notion took one step closer to becoming reality.

That route was originally part of a commuter rail plan approved by voters in 2004. Due to lack of funding, the project has never moved forward, no pun intended.

Now, all the involved entities are proposing to work together to build the route connecting those cities as an intercity rail route, rather than a commuter line. 

From the article on

The Denver Post reports that defining the route in that matter would unlock access to some $102 billion in federal funding not available for commuter projects.”

“The Front Range project seeks to create a 160-mile route from Fort Collins to Pueblo, and was among the 69 routes included in the Federal Railroad Administration’s Corridor Identification and Development Program announced late last year [see “Full list of passenger routes …,” Trains News Wire, Dec. 8, 2023]. The basic Front Range plan, with six trains a day, is estimated to cost at least $2 billion, the Post reports, making federal funding an essential element.”

The full white paper on this project can be found here.

While this seems like a cool idea, not everyone is so sure. Transportation guru Randal O’Toole doesn’t believe in this concept and lays out all the reasons why not in this fine article in 5280 Magazine.

We aren’t smart enough to fully understand the pros and cons of this, but we love the idea of easy transportation so we shall see what happens.

Multi-State Living Tips  

Multi-State Living for Entrepreneurs: Tips for Staying Organized

by John

Are you thinking about buying another home in a different state? If you own a business that has a location in another state, buying a second home near your business can make it easier to manage. You’ll always have somewhere comfortable to stay when you travel for business! If you intend on living in more than one state, it’s important to plan ahead so you can keep your life organized and uncomplicated. Here’s a quick guide from Denver Concierge to help ensure that your new living arrangement works for you! 

Hire a Knowledgeable Real Estate Agent

If the purpose of buying a second home is to make it easier to manage your business, you’ll want to find a place near your business location. Get in touch with a real estate agent who knows the area well. Look for homes that are low-maintenance and easy to leave empty when you need to travel back to your home state. For this purpose, a condo or apartment might be ideal!

You may even decide that renting is a better option since much of the upkeep will be included in your rent. Look into rentals in your desired areas and weigh the pros and cons of renting versus buying before you make a financial commitment.

Choose a Registered Agent for Your Business

Another key strategy is to obtain a registered agent for your business. A registered agent acts as a centralized point of contact for all legal and government correspondence, ensuring that important documents, such as legal summons or regulatory notices, are promptly received and addressed.

This service is especially beneficial for entrepreneurs who frequently travel or live in multiple states, as it eliminates the risk of missing critical communications due to their absence from a primary business location. Furthermore, a registered agent can provide invaluable assistance in maintaining compliance with state regulations, keeping your business in good standing in multiple states.

Protect Your Homes with Safety Products

Since you’ll be splitting your time between homes in different states, it’s important to prepare each of your homes for your absence. Invest in home safety products that will offer peace of mind while you’re away. Here are a few ideas:

●      Install motion detector lights to deter intruders.

●      Ensure your homes have working smoke alarms.

●      Setting up a video doorbell or other smart home device can help you monitor visitors from afar.

●      Pay for a monthly security system monitoring service.

Get Cleaning Help

Hiring professional cleaners is an efficient and effective strategy to maintain your homes, especially if you own properties in different states. These services ensure that your homes are not only clean and welcoming but also well-maintained, preserving their value and comfort.

For your home in Denver, consider the exemplary maid services provided by Denver Concierge. Known for their reliability, attention to detail, and eco-friendly cleaning practices, Denver Concierge stands out as a premier choice for homeowners seeking top-notch cleaning services.

Their professional team is trained to meet high standards of cleanliness and customer satisfaction, making them an ideal partner in keeping your Denver home in pristine condition.

Research the Cost of Living in Different Cities

When you live in more than one state, costs can add up quickly. Make sure you know what to expect in terms of cost before buying a second home somewhere else. You can find plenty of accurate cost of living information with a simple online search. Check out these examples to get started:

●      Car insurance in Greenwood, IN, averages $261 a month.

●      The average hourly rate for handyman services in Tulsa, OK, is around $60.

●      In Chicago, IL, house cleaners charge an average of $70 per hour.

Take Education with You

Online learning offers a flexible and efficient way to continue your education. The value of a degree, such as psychology from an accredited online university, cannot be overstated. Earning a psychology degree online, you gain a deeper understanding of human behavior, which can be incredibly beneficial in various aspects of business and personal interactions. Online classes are particularly advantageous as they can be tailored to fit any schedule, allowing you to study at your own pace and convenience, regardless of your location.

This flexibility is essential for entrepreneurs who often have irregular hours and travel frequently. By choosing an online learning platform, you ensure that your education journey moves with you, adapting seamlessly to your dynamic lifestyle while you work towards valuable academic and professional goals.

Some other popular fields to consider are nursing, IT, and business. Choose something that both interests you and fits well with your aspirations for the best chance of success.

Do Your Research and Plan Well

If you’re thinking about buying a second home in another state, think carefully about how this move will affect your life.

Planning ahead will go a long way toward ensuring that you enjoy multi-state living! Prepare your business for your absence by hiring a registered agent, get cleaning help from your kids, and take your education with you.

Being prepared will help you manage a multi-state living arrangement with greater ease and significantly less stress.

Pandemic Drinking Effects 

We have written here before about Colorado’s prodigious drinking habit.

In 2023, we came in 9th in the U.S., according to

That seems to be the good news. 

As we pick up all the pieces from our COVID experience, some things are coming into view. 

We drank a lot during the pandemic folks, maybe too much.

5280 Magazine did a very informative piece on this and it seems that we are seeing many young people are being diagnosed with liver disease.

From the article:

“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Coloradans who died from alcohol-associated liver disease (ALD) increased by more than 32 percent from 2019 to 2021. That’s reflective of the trend across the United States, where such deaths rose by more than 17 percent a year between 2019 and 2021, dwarfing the 3.5 percent annual increase over the previous decade.”

“Still, Colorado stands out: Researchers at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles ranked Colorado among the top six states for the number of ALD-related deaths during the pandemic.”

We vividly recall all the jokes about being cooped up and people “day drinking” but it seems like we may have overdone it.

If you are curious about the symptoms and treatments of liver disease, the folks at Johns Hopkins did a nice writeup here.

We hope none of this applies to you or those you love. Take care of your liver folks, you only have one.

Tax Time Tips & Tricks 

We have been known to procrastinate.

Taxes are due in April, and we are just getting organized.

We also like to stay on the good side of the IRS, so we found some great tips and tricks to make this time of year easier for all of us.

For us procrastinators, we will be filing for an extension. That can be done here.

Also, be aware that standard deductions and tax brackets have both been increased due to inflation. Earned Income Tax Credits are also increased.

If you happened to purchase energy-efficient items such as electric vehicles or solar for your home, there are still some great tax credits available.

For example, there are credits for 30% of qualifying home improvements, including up to $600 for energy-efficient windows and $2,000 for a qualified heat pump installed after January 1, 2023.

Experian produced a nice list of tips and tricks and it can be found here.

Lastly, we wanted to understand what the audit flags are in 2024 for the IRS.

What are the biggest flags for an audit? Missing income is the biggest one. Be aware of all the documents that are filed on your behalf by other parties. Discrepancies there are the most common flag.

Any questionable or large deductions, business losses, or undervalued assets on estate taxes will also grab the attention of the IRS.

Financial Advisors did a quick article on audit flags and it can be found here.

Remember Tax Day is Monday, April 15!

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for February were Haydee Espinoza, Aurora Dominguez, Nimia Espinoza, Patricia Rodriguez, and Maria Zapata.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Brenda Garcia and Laura Varela.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for February.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Now that we are getting into planting season and warmer weather, more time spent outdoors may require the occasional or regular upkeep of decks and patios or pool houses. Denver Concierge can help.

Cleaning these outside areas is optional, so you may add as needed each time or tack on to your existing cleaning instructions during the fair-weather months.

As a reminder, we can also clean inside refrigerators, freezers, cabinets, or pantries; areas that are not included regularly but we are happy to add.

Please also feel free to request other occasional cleaning tasks outside the team’s regular scope.

We will try our best to comply but as our ladies’ safety is the top priority there may be a few we will not be able to undertake.

That said, it’s always free to ask! Thank you for understanding.


February Newsletter 2024

Happy Leap Day 

Have you ever wondered why some years have an extra day in February? These years are called leap years, and they happen almost every four years. But what are leap years, and why do we need them?

Leap years are important to keep our calendar in sync with the seasons and the Earth’s orbit around the sun. A calendar year is 365 days long, but a solar year, or the time it takes for the Earth to go around the sun once, is about 365.24 days. That means we must add an extra day every four years to make up for the missing 0.24 days.

The idea of leap years goes back to ancient times when the Romans used a lunar calendar that was 10 days shorter than a solar year.  Julius Caesar changed this by creating a new calendar based on the sun, with an extra day every four.

Later, Pope Gregory XIII improved this system by adding some exceptions to the leap year rule.

Leap years help us celebrate the seasons at the right time of the year, and also give us a chance to do something special on February 29.

Did you know that if you were born on a leap day, you are a leapling, and you can celebrate your birthday on February 28 or March 1 in non-leap years? If it were us, we would do both days, but we love a good celebration.

So, happy birthday to any leaplings out there!

If you want to go further down the leap year rabbit hole, check out  and their piece here.

We hope you take advantage of the extra day this year and that you now know some of the history behind this unique day that won’t return until 2028!

Pet Insurance

If your first thought regarding whether or not to buy pet insurance is that it is a ‘first world’ problem, we agree with you.

That’s until you get a bill for $7000 for a hip replacement for Fido. Yikes.

So, we decided to dive into this topic and try and get educated about whether or not pet insurance is a good idea.

Of course, we love our furry friends, feathered friends, and even scaly friends as much as you do. For us, they are family, and we want ours healthy, so we completely get it.

Now, on to the brass tacks. We found a good article on Forbes which states, “The average pet insurance cost for dogs is $576 per year and the average pet insurance cost for cats is $336 per year.”

That’s for a policy with $5,000 of annual coverage, a $250 deductible and an 80% reimbursement level. A policy with unlimited annual coverage, a $250 deductible and an 80% reimbursement level costs an average of $816 per year for dogs and $480 per year for cats.”

That seems reasonable to us, but it also depends on the age of your pet and lots of other factors like whether they are inside or outside mostly.

Finally, we ran across a great article from Consumer Affairs which provides a matching service with the main pet insurance providers, along with the costs of each option, 

It’s a great worksheet that asks a lot of questions and will definitely help your decision-making process. 

Our conclusions? We hope you never need to use it, but pet insurance might be worth looking into depending on your circumstances.

What’s Your ‘Real’Age?

The journey of aging can certainly be a challenging one.

It becomes more challenging when we engage in bad habits from drinking and smoking, or just one too many pizzas.

While we can easily see our “outside” we cannot really see our inside, so when we ran across a new way to calculate our health, we jumped at the chance to inform you.

Have you heard about ePWV? It stands for estimated pulse wave variability, and recent studies have shown that it is a great indicator of lifespan and cardiovascular health.

A quick Google of this term and you will assuredly be gone into the scientific abyss. If you are like us, your eyes might glaze over and that is that.

In the interest of sparing you the techno-babble of medical science, allow us to share with you the article from Medium about “Abandoning Biological Age” that spurred our interest.

This boils down the concept and also provides a very handy calculator at the end so you can put your own data in and then find out what your “actual age” is.

For those of you that are bored, or as the kids say ‘TLDR’, the calculator can be found here. (editor’s note, it is a downloadable file)

We would strongly recommend reading the article above for grounding though, as it can be a bit confusing.

If you really want to geek out, a detailed description of ePWV and why it is an excellent marker of health can be found here.

Here’s to health, and hoping you get a ‘Supernova’ rating on your calculations!

Sunset Amphitheater

As you avid readers know, we love to support the arts and really enjoy a great music venue.

If you haven’t heard, our friends down in the Springs have recently announced a fabulous new venue called Sunset Amphitheater.

Looking at the photo above, it looks amazing and state-of-the-art. From 9News, “The 8,000-seat open-air amphitheater said it plans to open for the first concert on Friday, Aug. 9, at the Polaris Pointe development near the Air Force Academy.”

“The builder of the venue, Notes Live, said Sunset Amphitheater is part of a $90 million entertainment campus that will host large touring acts with a top-of-the-line audio-visual system, a self-draining grass berm, and more than 90 luxury fire pit suites.”

The venue opens on August 9th featuring Colorado’s own One Republic. Steve Miller Band and Dierks Bently have also committed to shows there.

For more information on this great new spot, visit their website here. We hope to see you out there!

Denver Restaurant Week

It is that time again, Denver Restaurant Week is upon us.

Starting on Friday, March 1, it runs through the 10th.

For those of you not familiar with this Denver tradition, 2024 marks its 20th anniversary.

From their website, “There are four price points this year (with both to-go and in-person options): $25, $35, $45 and $55 for multi-course meals. The tiered pricing structure allows restaurants to provide great deals for diners and a robust representation of Denver’s increasingly renowned culinary offerings.”

“VISIT DENVER’s program was originally created to showcase the city’s dining scene to local residents over a traditionally slow time of year for the restaurant industry. In its inaugural year, the program had 83 participating restaurants. In 2023, more than 200 restaurants signed up.”

The complete details for this fun 10 days can be found here.

What a great opportunity to experience Denver’s finest cuisine at a reasonable price. Enjoy!!!

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for January were Maria Zapata, Patricia Rodriguez, Josefina Quinonez, Mary Moreno, and Nimia Espinosa.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Socorro Ibarra and Isela Mendoza.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of January.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

 I still encounter from time to time a certain amount of confusion about what services Denver Concierge provides and what services are beyond our scope.

The confusion lies in understanding the difference between housekeeping and housecleaning.

For example, a housekeeper, as the name implies, keeps the house tidy, putting clothes and dishes away, feather dusting surfaces, and perhaps a quick once over with a carpet sweeper to pick up any obvious debris on the carpet. 

Housecleaners on the other hand are there to “clean”.  They do not view the house through the same lens as the housekeeper.  Where the housekeeper sees the throw pillows on the sofa are crooked, the housecleaner sees the dog hair underneath.

As cleaners, they are not trained to tidy up, clean out or rearrange. Their sole focus is on getting the house as clean as it can be from top to bottom, including the underlying areas where dust and dirt are likely to accumulate.

Having said that, there are certain houses we have cleaned for years where the team indeed knows the exact placement of the throw pillows.

Familiarity with a home invariably blurs the lines between the”‘ keeping” and the “cleaning” if only to a small degree.

A few times we have honored a request to add an outlier task to the cleaning routine but only if we feel it is within the capabilities of the assigned team. 

Our goal at Denver Concierge is to always offer only what we can achieve to make our clients and our clients’ houses happy.


January Newsletter 2024

10 Years of Newsletters

Hard to believe really, but this January newsletter marks 10 years of Denver Concierge monthly newsletters.

When we started these things, we weren’t exactly sure where they would go. Honestly, there just aren’t that many things that one can write about housecleaning.

If we did write solely about housecleaning, I suspect we might have only a few readers, so we decided to provide any content that we thought would benefit our clients and partners.

News around the Front Range comes at us pretty quickly, whether it’s a rash of car thefts, or bedbugs (yikes!). We want to help inform our readers about goings on, some serious and some light, which we hope we accomplish.

So, without further ado, we start our journey for another 10 years, hopefully, with you our loyal clients, partners, and casual readers.

This month is full of good content (we think), including Denver’s bedbug infestation, what do to about nasty voice AI scams that are circulating, and how to see if your vehicle has a recall. We suggest checking that one out closely, as the airbag recall by Takata is particularly dangerous.

One of the other common themes of this monthly missive is our gratitude. It’s real, folks. Each day we wake up so thankful to have a business in this crazy economy and world we exist in.

To have a platform to communicate with our clients is an amazing thing and we don’t take it lightly. As always, we welcome feedback, email us here if anything catches your eye or doesn’t seem right.

Thanks for following our humble housecleaning company. We hope to see you here for a long, long time.

Denver’s Bed Bug Problem

What exactly is a bed bug and where do they come from? As a cleaning company, we are constantly on the lookout for these little critters (see above for his mugshot).

Since Denver is quite high (15th nationwide) on the list of these pests, we figured it was a good time to educate everyone on what these things are, exactly, and how to prevent them.

According to, “Bed bugs are small, brownish-red bugs famous for dwelling in beds and feeding on humans while they sleep. They have been associated with humans for more than 3,300 years and are found in virtually every place people tend to gather, including residences, hotels, schools, offices, retail stores, and even public transportation”. 

“Bed bugs feed only on blood and must have regular blood meals to survive and develop. Humans are not bed bugs’ only targets, they also will attack many warm-blooded animals, including poultry and other birds.”

The good news is that they don’t just infest your home unless brought in by someone or, riding along on something, like a blanket, clothes, linens, or even a suitcase.

Then what exactly can we do? Well, vigilance is key. Pay close attention to the items brought into your home. Look at clothing and luggage, especially when coming home from trips.

The bad news is that the City of Denver
Will not investigate bedbug infestations because they’re considered a nuisance and not a public health problem.”

We think that’s fair, but we also think these things are pretty gross and we don’t want them on our teams any more than you want them in your home.

A good guide for recognition and then prevention of bedbugs can be found

Of course, if you suspect bedbugs, we would always appreciate letting us know, so we can be vigilant about not letting these little guys hitch a ride with one of our teams. Thanks!

Latest Dangerous Scam 

AI has been in the news a lot lately, and not for all the right reasons.

When we read about the latest scam it caught our attention, and we figured it was appropriate to share with our readers.

Leave it to criminals to try and utilize every advantage they can. The latest? 

A voice.

It seems that about a 3 second clip of someone speaking is enough to create a full AI-cloned voice that can say whatever it is programmed to say.

Sounds innocuous enough, until it is your child on the line, telling you that something horrific has happened. 

That was the case with Gary Schildhorn of Philadelphia who thankfully figured out the scam before it was too late.

His son told Mr Schildhorn that he had wrecked his car and needed $9,000 to post bail. Brett said that his nose was broken, that he had hit a pregnant woman’s car, and instructed his father to call the public attorney assigned to his case.

Alarm bells went off when the money was requested via Bitcoin, which is a sure sign of a scam.

If you aren’t concerned about this, the FTC is, and recently launched a program to educate people about the dangers of AI voice cloning, called the Voice Cloning Challenge.

What exactly can you do? For starters, any payment method that is not standard is a red flag.

We also know of many folks that have a specific code or password that can be asked of friends and loved ones if a call is ever received.

The root of this is usually voice clips on social media, so take heed there too, easy for us adults to say though.

Finally, don’t rely on caller ID, as that can easily be spoofed as well.

LinkedIn actually did a fine article on ways to protect yourself and your families from these scams and it is here.

How Much Income to Buy That Home? 

We vividly remember when $100k a year seemed like a ton of money. Most days, we think it still is. We also thought it was plenty of income to buy a home.

Not if you live in one of these 11 zip codes in and around Denver. 

The magic number? $200k in income to afford a place in the following zip codes and counties, thanks to our friends at the Denver Business Journal.

  • Franktown, Douglas Co. $240,061
  • Denver (80209), Denver Co. $226,978
  • Larkspur, Douglas Co. $218,248
  • Greenwood Village, Arapahoe Co. $208,539
  • Evergreen, Jefferson Co. $210,260
  • Denver (80206), Denver Co. $212,111
  • Arvada (80007), Jefferson Co. $206,248
  • Castle Pines, Douglas Co. $205,770
  • Sedalia, Douglas Co. $204,031
  • Broomfield, Broomfield Co. $202,375
  • Golden, Jefferson Co. $201,461

Wow, how times have changed. From a national perspective, and also from the article, “Nationally, it requires income of at least $100,000 to afford a home in 25% of the more than 23,000 ZIP codes analyzed in the report. By comparison, the median national household income was $74,580 in 2022.”

“Additionally, there are now 10 ZIP codes where it takes an income of $1 million or more to afford a median-priced home.”

“Of the million-dollar ZIP codes, all but Aspen, Colorado’s 81656 were found along the coasts. California accounted for half of the top 10.”

Pretty stunning numbers, really. The complete article courtesy of the Denver Business Journal can be found here.

Important Auto Recalls

We suspect over the years you have probably received a few auto recall notices.

We are a bit embarrassed to say we don’t always treat these with the importance they are due. 

In some cases, the safety of the vehicle is directly affected. From the NHTSA website, “Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards set minimum performance requirements for those parts of the vehicle that most affect its safe operation (brakes, tires, lighting, etc.) or that protect drivers and passengers from death or serious injury in the event of a crash (airbags, seat belts, car seats and booster seats, energy absorbing steering columns, motorcycle helmets, etc.).”

“These Federal Standards are applicable to all vehicles and vehicle-related equipment manufactured or imported for sale in the United States (including U.S. territories) and certified for use on public roads and highways.”

Some of the current auto recalls that are circulating involve the Toyota Corolla Cross, Buick Veranos, Chevy Cruzes, and Audi Sportback Quattros. 

Most concerning is a Takata airbag recall which indicates that certain airbags can explode when deployed. This one is particularly dangerous and Consumer Reports did a perfect piece on who could be affected by this.

The conclusion? Pay attention to recall notices, they might be highly safety related. 

If you are concerned about your vehicle, NTSHA has a cool feature where you can enter your VIN number and see if any recalls apply to you. 

Stay safe out there folks!

Monthly & Annual Award Winners

We love this time of year, as we get to recognize our top performers for 2023.

Before we do that, our monthly award winners for December were Maria Zapata, Mary Moreno, Josefina Quinonez, Juana Luna, and Xochitl Tehuacatl.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Mayra Soto and Socorro Ibarra.

For 2023, we are proud to announce our top Cleaning Associate, Maria Zapata. The runners-up were Josefina Quinones and Aurora Dominguez.

As Team Leaders go, our winner was Mayra Soto. Runners-up were Socorro Ibarra and Juana Olivas.

Huge congratulations to all of you, we are so grateful for your contributions.

Thanks to our clients for letting us be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of December, and for 2023.

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Approximately 2-3 billion cleaning supplies are sold each year in the United States. A product for every cleaning need, it seems, with speed and ease of use being paramount.   

Denver Concierge has taken a different tack. We believe housecleaning to be a physical activity that no fast-working product can match for results.

Considering the reputation for high standards that Denver Concierge has consistently earned and maintained over the years, it may be surprising to learn that we use a very minimal amount of products. 

As the first cleaning company in Colorado to be certified by the Green Clean Institute, we realized from the beginning that our ladies’ hard work needed to be supplemented by healthy and safe products. The less is more approach means easier to transport, easier to use, easier to maintain.

To that point, finally, we clean well not because of what we use to clean but because our ladies understand what clean really is.

A plethora of “miracle” products will not rival Denver Concierge ladies on a mission to make your house the best and cleanest it can be.  


December Newsletter 2023

2023 Review and 2024 Outlook 

How was your 2023?

Ours was fun and eventful but much too short!!! As the years go by, they seem to go faster and faster.

We want to be among the first to wish you an incredibly Happy New Year and hope for a prosperous 2024. 

Before we wave goodbye to 2023, we thought we would reflect on our year and share the good and the bad with you.

For starters, the good. Our clients. We love you. It’s not about the money or the reputation, for us it’s about our relationships. With you and your family, with your pets, and with your home in general.

Angela tells me cute stories all the time about her interactions with you and it truly feels like family to us. Thankfully, we employ a lot of happy people as well and each one that cleans your home feels a bond with you, which we appreciate. In short, it’s way more than housecleaning for us, and for that we are grateful. 

You may not realize that we started back in 1998, so for many of you there are 25 years of relationships. Hard to believe really, but here we are, still chugging along, in many cases cleaning the homes of the young children, now adults, that we met way back then.

We also are thankful for our many partners and contributors, and we feel like those relationships got even stronger in 2023. Coming out of the weird “pandemic times” seems to have brought many of us closer, which is also a wonderful feeling.

So, what could have been better in 2023?

Well, those of you who know us well know that we suffer from painful honesty as we traverse this world of commerce, so we will tell it like it is.

The labor situation across the Front Range is challenging at best. 

You may not be aware that Denver had the third-highest statutory minimum wage in the United States at $17.29. That will be rising in 2024 to $18.29. We absolutely hate raising prices, but with the majority of our costs coming from labor, our fine city has left us no choice. 

If you look at recent history, you can see why local businesses are facing such pressure. 

The citywide minimum wage was $12.85 per hour in 2020, $14.77 per hour in 2021, $15.87 per hour in 2022, and $17.29 per hour in 2023. The 2024 wage represents a 42% increase from 2020. Pretty startling when you see it in print. 

Also startling is that the federal minimum wage is still only $7.25. Wow.

Related to labor in 2023, we have also had difficulty hiring the right people to clean your homes. We will not hire just anyone, as we believe what we do and how we do it is quite different than anyone else, so this was a challenge as well.

Going forward into 2024 we vow to do everything in our power to offset the headwinds that are facing our business (and most others). We will continue to do everything possible to keep our costs down so we can manage our pricing effectively and give you the value we know you desire.

Angela has some pointers about how to keep the cost of your cleans down going forward, see this month’s Queen Bee feature below to learn more.

We are committed to remaining consistent and delivering the Front Range’s best housecleaning service. If for any reason you ever feel like we aren’t doing that, please let us know immediately. We stand behind what we do 100% and can’t live with anyone feeling unsatisfied.

So onward into 2024. For those of you who make resolutions, we found some tips about just how to keep them.

We wish you the best for 2024 and hope that it is a wonderful and truly magnificent year for every one of you.

As always, you have our gratitude and our commitment to be the best partner you and your home can ask for.

Happy New Year!!!

Pay Those Red Light Tickets

Ah yes, the old red-light tickets and photo traffic enforcement. For years we weren’t sure about whether or not they had to be paid. 

In fact, in Colorado before June of this year, we technically didn’t have to, unless we were served in person.

In a little-publicized law that was enacted this past June, that is no longer the case.

From the article on Fox News, “The new law passed in June says that when your citation is mailed first class, it’s been served to you. It doesn’t matter if it was sent to an old address, or you claim that you didn’t get it in the mail.”

“As soon as they send it out, you’re affirmed guilty,” said Ramirez. “It doesn’t matter if they have the right address or right anything, it’s on you to make sure that all your information is up to date, make sure all your licensing and information is up to date, at all times. Because if it’s not, that isn’t necessarily going to be an excuse for the fine.”

Looks like another revenue stream for our government indeed.

Should you fail to pay within 30 days, the fine will go up, and ultimately you will be sent to collection, which could negatively impact your credit rating.

The complete article on the law change can be found here.

The bill and all of its juicy details can be found here, in case you want to see the nuts and bolts.

Finally, we found a comprehensive list of all red light and traffic cameras here, in case you want to be on the lookout.

Do be aware though, that there are temporary cameras that are often set up in places not on this list, so keep your guard up!!

2024 Lower Heating Bills 

Not long ago, we covered the increases we have all had to endure with our monthly energy bills.

It appears Xcel has listened and there is good news coming.

From the recent article in the Denver Business Journal, “Xcel said Friday it expects monthly natural gas bills for home heating to drop by 4.5% on average in the first quarter of next year compared to current prices, and the typical monthly bill will drop 28% when compared to what it was in the first quarter of 2023.”

“That’s an average residential savings of $4.87 per month compared to bills for heating this month and represents a typical heating bill reduction of $39.11 per month compared to what the typical homeowner paid Xcel for natural gas heating at the start of 2023, the utility said.”

“For small businesses, the heating bills in January-March will drop 5.14%, saving small companies on average $23.28 per month and making the typical small-business heating bill $429.46. Compared to the first-quarter bills in 2023, the prices will shave $186.45 per month off the $615.91 monthly bill the average small business paid at the start of 2023.”

This is great news for all of us and a fine way to start 2024. 

The complete article from the Denver Business Journal can be found here.

The Denver Post also did a piece today on what we can expect going forward into ’24. For those of you with a Post subscription, that article can be found here.

In this inflationary economy, every bit helps, so we are excited about this development!

Denver’s Best Restaurants New and Old 

It’s been a while since we discussed Denver’s dining scene.

We still love to eat and enjoy Denver’s great culinary scene, so here goes.

Let’s start with 5280’s list of the best new restaurants in our fine city.

From Chilean food to two new French restaurants, Denver has us covered. That dish in the photo is courtesy of LeFrench, and it looks delicious to us.

The complete list of newcomers to our dining scene can be found here, thanks to 5280 Magazine.

We love novel places, but we also love our staples.

So, what are the best 25 restaurants across the Front Range?

Well, avid reader, you might recognize some of the staples on this list. Frasca (Boulder) for example, is a perennial member of the list.

Uchi has also made this list before, but we also found many establishments that we haven’t tried yet that look fascinating. 

We can, however, recommend A5 as one of the best steaks we have ever had, including a bavette and tri-tip cut one rarely sees in restaurants. 

The complete list of the top 25 restaurants in Denver can be found here.

Unfortunately, they aren’t ranked in any order, so we will have to try them all and see for ourselves.

Hope to see you out there, fellow diners.

Home Downsizing for Seniors

By Guest Writer Max Stevens, National Contractors Association

You’re embarking on an exciting new chapter, transitioning into a smaller, more manageable living space that will ensure both your continued safety and a reduction in expenses. However, this journey requires careful planning and consideration, especially when it involves leaving a home filled with memories and possessions. In this article, courtesy of Denver Concierge, we’ll offer a comprehensive guide to help you navigate through this significant life change efficiently and thoughtfully.

Estate Planning Insights

As you consider selling your cherished home, it’s crucial to understand the estate planning implications. Consulting with an estate planner ensures that decisions about property ownership and inheritance are well-informed. They will guide you through potential tax impacts, helping you preserve your financial legacy for your loved ones. This step is vital for peace of mind and financial clarity.

Tech-Savvy Home Prep

In preparing your current home for sale, technology can be your ally. Home management apps are invaluable, connecting you with reliable contractors for necessary updates or repairs. For instance, if your home requires appliance repair, these apps can be a quick, efficient solution that allow you to find the best service for your budget. Leveraging technology streamlines the process, making your transition smoother and more efficient.

Evaluating Care Options

For some, the best downsizing option might be a skilled nursing facility, offering specialized care and support. Thoroughly research facilities online, examining each one’s services, reputation, and care quality. This decision is deeply personal and requires thoughtful consideration of your health, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Making an informed choice will ensure comfort and peace of mind in your new home.

Refinancing Strategies

Consider the financial benefits of refinancing your existing home. In an ever-changing economic landscape, refinancing might offer more favorable interest rates or access to additional funds, aiding your downsizing transition. This financial move could provide you with more liquidity or better mortgage terms, aligning with your current needs and future plans.

Declutter with Expertise

Downsizing often means parting with possessions that won’t fit in your new space. Hiring a professional organizer can transform this daunting task into an achievable, even enjoyable, process. They’ll help you sort through belongings, decide what to keep, donate, or discard, making your move smoother and less overwhelming. Their expertise can turn a challenging task into a liberating experience. You can also hire a professional cleaning crew to come in and help you prepare your home for sale, which will cut down on potential trip-and-fall hazards and ensure that the space is ready for your buyers.

Market Timing Mastery

Understanding the real estate market’s current state is essential before selling your home. The market’s condition significantly influences sale prices and the ease of finding a buyer. Conduct thorough research or consult a real estate expert to determine the best time to sell. Timing your move right could lead to a more profitable and stress-free selling experience.

Tax-Savvy Moving

Investigating potential tax exemptions or deductions related to downsizing is a crucial step in optimizing your financial strategy. A consultation with a tax professional could uncover opportunities to maximize the financial benefits of your move, which might otherwise be overlooked. Understanding these tax implications can lead to significant savings, directly impacting your financial health during this transition.

Your journey to downsizing is a multi-faceted process that involves more than just moving to a smaller space; it’s about making informed, strategic decisions for a comfortable and secure future. By thoroughly considering key aspects and utilizing tools such as a home maintenance repair app, you lay the foundation for a smooth transition. Embracing this change with confidence comes from knowing that you are well-prepared and have considered all angles of this life shift. This new chapter in your life, filled with potential and promise, is a testament to your thoughtful planning and readiness for change.

Ready to get some help with cleaning your home? Get in touch with the team at Denver Concierge today to learn more about the services you can choose from.

Monthly Award Winners

Our monthly award winners for November were Maria Zapata, Mary Moreno, Josefina Quinonez, Haydee Espinosa, and Patricia Rodriguez.

In the Team Leader ranks, it was Brenda Garcia and Isela Mendoza.

We are so proud of our winners, and of all the folks that are in and out of your homes each week.

We are also very appreciative to be a part of your lives and your homes. You provide the platform for our teams to perform, and for that we are grateful.

Please join me in congratulating our best performers for the month of November.

Be on the lookout next month as we announce our annual winners for 2023!

Queen Bee Corner

by Angela

Recently I have been receiving client texts asking what you can do as clients to make your housecleaning day more efficient, i.e., more timely and less costly, without forgoing the quality.

The following scenario, while likely unattainable in its entirety,  will illustrate the various traits that go into creating the optimum clean. 

On the clean day, the best scenario; a team arrives, parks next to the house, uses a code or key to enter.  Clients are not home.  Pets are corralled in a pet area, surfaces are uncluttered, and floors are free of clothing and toys.

Instructions have been relayed via text to the Team Leader at the time of dispatch so each team member knows her specific task.  Starting at the top of the house the team works its way down to the bottom, like clockwork, no hindrances. Orderly, efficient, detailed, and timely.

Obviously, individual family lifestyles, size, furnishings, and schedules all go into what aspects of the above scenario could be adopted on any given clean day.

More clients now work from home, unexpected workers or guests show up, science or craft projects need to remain in place; however, even managing one or two small aspects from the above will help with the overall efficiency.

And keep in mind, I am just a text away for any questions.
