March Newsletter
Another year has passed and this is our 3rd year sending out our sometimes informative newsletter! We want to say thanks for reading and want to wish you the best for a fabulous 2016. Lots of stuff going on at Denver Concierge, including our new vehicles, roll out of health care for our employees and other changes to try and become more efficient. In short we are doing everything we can to keep our costs down without raising prices. One of our big cost issues is lockouts and access, if you want to learn more see below. We sure appreciate your business and hope that 2016 is your best year ever!
Top Secret Referral ProgramJanuary is always a good time to mention referrals. One of the things that we have learned in our 16 years in business is that we clean very differently from most companies. We sometimes have a hard time communicating how deeply we clean (and why we cost more) to prospective clients. It usually hits them once they see our fabulous team at work in their homes, but sometimes we never get that far as it’s hard to explain what we do without seeing it first hand. Of course we know that you realize and appreciate how we clean, and that is why your referrals are the best way for us to grow. We have a very lucrative referral program going on right now….too good to put in the newsletter. Please speak with Angela if you have someone that you think would appreciate what we do, and she will give you the lowdown. Thanks for all you do and for those wonderful clients many of you sent us in 2015! LockoutsOne of our toughest dilemmas is what to do when we get locked out. Many of our competitors charge a fee for this, we do not. Not yet anyway. Most of you offer us access to your home without restriction, and we appreciate that. We carry lots of insurance and documentation so you should always feel comfortable with us in your home, even if you can’t be there. The worst thing is when we arrive at your home and cannot get in for some reason. We pay our teams from the moment they leave our office and it’s quite expensive to have them driving places with no home to clean. Worse, the next client often isn’t ready for us, so it creates a bunch of problems. We would be incredibly grateful if you would alert early us when you need to cancel your clean or if there will be some problem with access. We understand emergencies and will always accommodate you when we can. We appreciate your help in improving our efficiency and keeping our costs down! |
Snow DaysAhh, winter…..we love you. Actually not so much. It’s great for skiing and snowboarding, but it really cramps our style (and yours) when we get a big storm. We know how frustrating this is, as it is incredibly hard to reschedule. Think about it like an airline. We have days full of flights and when snow wipes some out, unless we have cancellations going forward there isn’t any place to put folks. It frustrates us as much as you….so what can you do to help? Please be patient with us when it snows. If you want real time updates on whether or not we are working, you can follow us on Twitter at @bestmaidsdenver. We typically send out a tweet when we are going to be closed. We have been known to work Saturdays in special circumstances so that is sometimes a possibility as well. A good rule is that if schools are closed we are as well. The safety of our employees is the most important thing, and even though the main streets may be plowed, side streets in Denver don’t get plowed until we get a foot of snow! Thanks, and here is to a snow free (in Denver) winter! 88 Truths about LifeOur first newsletter of 2016 wouldn’t be complete without some tidbits of self-improvement that we found interesting. The new year usually brings about reflection and planning about how we have done things, and how we might do things better. We ran across a great piece from on “truths” in life. We felt better after reading them and we hope you do as well! To learn more take a look here. Queen Bee Cornerby Angela For the past two weeks I’ve joined the ranks (albeit temporarily; nothing serious, pulled muscle) of those who work from home, as do many of our clients. It has certainly given me a good understanding of the pluses (no drive time) and the minuses (my dogs barking). I didn’t have a visit from Denver Concierge, but I imagine that three ladies cleaning can be fairly disruptive. I will remind the teams in the next employee meeting to please keep the working client in mind as you move about the house. Be very very quiet every chance you get. So..I will be back in the office on Monday due in large part to the expert advice given me by a client. Thank you Caylene! It worked! Queen Bee |
The most important things to do when kitchen cleaning
Kitchen cleaning is quite an overwhelming task, especially if you do it more occasionally like once a month or even more rarely. Deep cleaning the most soiled objects and appliances is not enough, because the dirt often spreads everywhere, yet it comes to the kitchen – the most frequently used room in the house, which sees the heaviest dirt from kitchen grease and other persistent types of spots. Next is a short To-Do list or a set of tips and tricks to deep clean the most important things in the kitchen.
1) The counter top and the sink. The kitchen sink disposal should be first. Run a couple of ice cubes through the disposal to sharpen the blades, whiles if you worry about the elimination of bacteria – add the juice of one lemon to the water for the ice, and then put the mixture in the freezer to form ice cubes. The lemon juice acts as an antibacterial agent. Then, remove the objects from the counter-top and rinse thoroughly with clean hot water. Rub with a grooming brush to get rid of the dirt between the grout lines. The wooden counter-tops should be soaked a bit longer if you want to get rid of the dirt easily. Clean the sink with a commercial detergent for metal objects, while for the chrome parts is required a special detergent. It will prevent the chrome parts from scratching, while cleaning and polishing them in the meantime.
2) Defrost the fridge and the freezer, and remove all the inner compartments, shelves and doors. If you do it once a year, for example during the big spring cleaning – a great tip is to begin right from this step and to save time by doing other things while waiting for the fridge to defrost completely. Soak the detached parts in the sink and make a homemade detergent of hot water, dish detergent, baking soda and alcohol. It will sanitize and help dissolve the hardest stains from dry grease, which is a common issue on the grilled or on the glass shelves. Don’t forget to clean the cooling coils on the back of the fridge. A brush with electrostatic charged fibers is perfect to wipe off dust, spider webs and other dirt.
3) Oven cleaning is the next challenge, which should begin with the removal of the shelves and the racks. Soak them in the solution in the sink and brush to get rid of the stains. Clean the interior of the oven with towels and pay more attention to the lights and to the ventilation system. Ensure a flawless transparency of the door of the oven by rubbing with a clean soft cloth and with a solution of hot water and white vinegar. Attach the already clean and dry shelves and run the oven at its highest temperature for a while to eliminate all the unwanted odors.
4) The flooring in the kitchen are especially important, especially if your kitchen is a part of the dining room and the dining table is in a close proximity. The area around the table and around the kitchen triangle is the area, which sees the heaviest foot traffic, as well as heaviest dirt from food, such as crumbs, spills, drops, etc. The tiled or the hardwood flooring are easier for deep cleaning, but if you have textile floor coverings like carpets or rugs – a better idea is to use the professional services for carpeting. The carpeting experts have the perfect machines and detergents to sanitize and deodorize even the most soiled carpet, without the risk for damaging the fibers or causing discoloration.
We want to wish all of our clients, friends and partners the happiest of holiday seasons in 2015. We have had a wonderful year and want to thank all of you that helped make us successful.
We hope you have a safe, warm and connected holiday, with lots of family, friends and good cheer. We look forward to serving you again in 2016, and to another wonderful year.
Thanks again for being part of the Denver Concierge “family” and for supporting our local business.
Recently we had a shower door “explode” on us. Evidently, over time tempered glass combined with pressure can come apart in a surprising fashion. Thankfully, no one was injured, but it gave us a chance to call our friends at Buonsante Glass to come out and take a look.
Not only was the shower door repaired perfectly, but they were fast, efficient and reasonably priced.
We know Andy Buonsante the owner, very well and wanted to give him a shout out in case any of you need any glass work done in your homes. You can learn more about Andy and his great locally owned business here.
You can also call Andy at 303-886-2876 or email him here. Tell him you heard about him in our newsletter and receive a special offer!
In our over commercialized holiday season, we sometimes feel overwhelmed. Between all the ads on TV, gifts to buy, etc., we find ourselves trying to sort out what really matters.
We ran across a great piece on why we might want to buy less “stuff” and work more on creating memories that will last. We thought it made a lot of sense so we are posting it here.
It seems that the payoff for buying more stuff is pretty short, and the article helps explain why that is.
Yes, we have fallen into the failed resolution trap well. We fully understand that gym memberships are the highest in January, as all of us want to get the new year off to a great start, and try to stick with our plans.
Making significant changes in our lives is hard, especially when it comes to breaking bad habits.
We found some great stuff on this whole idea and we thought we would share it. For a list of the most common resolutions and success rates, click here.
For the reasons behind why we usually fail at our resolutions (and some tips on how not to), check out this article.
We wish you all the best in making positive changes in 2016!
Since we are kind of on the new year’s resolution and self-improvement theme, we found a couple of articles that sort of got us going.
First, what are 12 things that enormously successful people refuse to do? Well you can find out here.
We also ran across this piece on 30 challenges for 30 days. Some of these really made us stop and think. We hope it does the same for you.
The article, courtesy of Marc and Angel can be found here.
by Angela
What a hectic time! With all the schedule changes, and special holiday requests, I have spoken to more clients in the past month than I have all year. As always it is my pleasure and though work related (but not always), it’s fun to touch base. I have known many of you since the very beginning of the company!
I would like to wish you and yours a continuing safe and enjoyable season and a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Cheers!
Hopefully you have seen our new rides out on the road and in front of your homes. Our fleet has been completely replaced (we kept a couple of our old blue vans for nostalgia’s sake) and we couldn’t be happier.
We hope you like the new look…our ladies are much safer and much happier traveling to your homes!
The best way to reduce the volatile chemical compounds when cleaning is to avoid cleaning with chemical compounds. This means no detergents that you can usually find in the store, nor detergents that are added to the water tank of the cleaning machine. The result may not be that satisfying as when cleaning with a powerful detergent during the big house cleaning, but let’s face it – there will be no need to leave the windows open for a long time, neither to worry about your kids or pets. Some hand-knotted carpets, rugs and other natural upholstery are also very sensitive to chemical compounds. Not to mention the effect of the chemicals onto the wooden texture of the furnishings or onto chrome parts if you pick up the wrong detergent.
The key for reducing the volatile chemical compounds is to avoid or at least to reduce the periods for deep cleaning at home, which means a more frequent cleaning so you can’t let the objects to get heavily soiled. For instance, let’s take the textile floor coverings. A great idea is to rotate rugs and carpets on a monthly basis. This yet simple trick ensures an even wear of all the areas of the carpets, which is especially important for the carpets in the living room or in the bedroom. These are the most frequently used rooms and so the foot traffic is not an exception. By rotating carpets and rugs, you expose different areas to the foot traffic and so the need for deep cleaning with professional cleaning services reduces as well. Another great idea is to flip the carpets and the rugs if they have beautiful backings. By doing so, you basically expose a whole new side of the carpet to the foot traffic and everything else like dirt, dust, indentations from heavy objects, etc. One, the textile floor coverings become longer lasting and two – you reduce the period for deep cleaning with powerful chemical compounds.
Another common way to avoid breathing volatile chemical compounds is to leave the doors and the windows in the house open so there is always a constant airflow. This is simple, but it is applicable only for the warm seasons. That’s why the end or the beginning of the summer are the best moments for deep cleaning at home even if you plan to call the professional cleaners who use big powerful machines with a myriad of cleaning solutions.
Use the vacuum cleaning machine everywhere! Whether it comes to just freshening the fluffiness of the carpets and the sofa or a weekly cleaning of all flooring – the vacuum cleaner is the fastest and yet easiest way for cleaning at home. It removes dust, food crumbs and other loose particles without the need for a treatment with chemical compounds.
Another common way is to beat gently the cushions and the carpets through the windows in order to get rid of the dust and the loose particles. Take a pick of a warm sunny and windy day for cleaning. The wind will help blow away the dirt and the dust, while the effect of wiping off dust should be the same even without using a vacuum cleaning machine.
Yet if you have to deep clean with some commercial detergents – make sure that they’re pet-friendly detergents. A simple hygiene spray should play a great role for cleaning spills of margarine and other common spots from kitchen grease. Always read the labels on the compounds and try to avoid the powerful detergents that are recommended for cleaning machines.
Find more helpful cleaning tips on carpet cleaning please click here.
Happy ThanksgivingWhat a great opportunity to express how thankful we are to have you all as clients, partners and friends. We couldn’t ask for a better group of people to associate with and we remain flattered that you allow us into your homes on a daily basis. So let us take this opportunity to say THANK YOU for being part of the Denver Concierge family and for supporting our local business. We will continue to strive for perfection and to ensure you are thrilled with what we do. We hope you and your family enjoy a safe and wonderful holiday. We have included some of our best tips for surviving the holidays a little further down the page. Enjoy! |
MovemberWhat the heck is Movember? Well, just as October was breast cancer awareness month, November is one for men’s health awareness, and is also known as “no-shave November”. We think that ladies in general seem to do a better job of focusing on health then their male counterparts. The men we know typically wait until “something breaks” before visiting a doctor, whereas our female counterparts take a more preventative approach. Taking a page from that book, please support the men in your life by putting up with excess facial hair this month! To learn more about this movement (and why the man in your life might not be shaving), visit the Movember Foundation here. Here’s to wellness, early detection and keeping the men in our lives healthy! |
Vehicle & Company UpdateHopefully you are noticing lots of new Denver Concierge vehicles out on the road and in front of your homes. We have now nearly replaced our entire fleet and are more fuel efficient, safer and we look better running about town! We are also making our plans for 2016 and have lots of great ideas about how to make our company better. Look for more details in upcoming newsletters. In the meantime if you have suggestions about how we can improve in any way, please submit them here. Thanks! |
![]() Queen Bee Cornerby AngelaOrange. It’s the color of fall and pumpkins, turning leaves…. and our Team Leaders’ uniform shirts! We chose a different color for our Team Leaders uniforms thanks to a client asking which woman was the Team Leader at her house that day. It also helps me in the morning as I found that I can quickly find a Team Leader when I need to give out instructions during our hectic morning dispatches. I can now spot the orange among the sea of blue shirts, so keep those ideas coming! I have also been asked if the orange is a tribute to the Broncos. I’m not sure because we left the color decision up to the Team Leaders themselves. But it could very well be as they are enthusiastic fans of our home team. Go Broncos! |
![]() Holiday Survival GuideIt is that time again…a fall and winter with holidays. With that comes entertaining, lots of eating and drinking, and hopefully for Denver Concierge, some before and after cleaning!! In that spirit, we wanted to provide some survival tips for the holidays. We found some pretty cool resources. First, the folks at the Cleaning Institute have some great information on managing the holidays in a clean home. Click here for more details. Also, we ran across some great cooking tips as well, which can be found here. Finally, to help beat holiday stress, the folks over at Sparkpeople provide some great information here. All great stuff….Happy Holidays! |
Veterans DayVeterans Day is Wednesday, November 11, and last but certainly not least we would like to thank our veterans for their service to our great nation. The courage that it takes to be willing to sacrifice one’s life for the benefit of others, our freedom and way of life is the highest imaginable. I am sure we all know someone who has served and many of you have personally served. From each and every one of our 70 employees, we wish to say thank you. You have our utmost appreciation and respect. |
Holiday Planning & ScheduleWe have the incredibly good fortune of being very busy these days. We want to make sure that all of you wonderful, loyal clients get your homes cleaned over the holidays properly. We are currently planning to be closed on Thursday November 26th and 27th for Thanksgiving and December 24th and 25th for Christmas. As you can imagine, this will make us even busier as we attempt to get folks moved around. So, if you have any special needs or requests, please get with Angela right away so we can attempt to accommodate you. If you are on the schedule for Thursdays or Fridays, this will impact you for sure. So, in the meantime, Happy Halloween and Happy Columbus Day, we hope you are getting to enjoy a Monday off!!! You can contact Angela to discuss scheduling by clicking here. |
Referral ProgramEvery now and then we like to remind you wonderful folks about our referral program. While we do very little advertising, most of our new clients come to us by way of referral. So, THANK YOU to all of you that have referred family, friends and neighbors. We will do our best to make sure they are treated like royalty. In that light, we are offering some very nice rewards for new clients that come on board by way of referrals. We won’t spoil the details here, but if you want to learn more, give Angela a call at 303-975-2808 or email her here. |
Denver Area Top RestaurantsYou may be aware that we love to eat over here at Denver Concierge. We also love to fill you all in on what is happening in our fine town. The folks at 5280 Magazine recently published their annual list of Denver‘s top restaurants. Frasca in Boulder was unseated from the top spot for the first time in a couple of years….if you want to learn more, click here. We hope to see you out there having a bite around town! By the way, we tried Blackbelly Market in Boulder and it was worth the drive!!! |
![]() Queen Bee Cornerby AngelaOctober is a month of change, when foliage turns color, weather is cooler (supposedly), days are shorter – and outdoor critters start seeking indoor shelter for the winter. Well, not in my house, guys. A client recommended Beeline Pest Control. How could I resist with a name like Beeline? It took very little time and my house is now pest proofed. A great company. Professional, local, friendly. Like Denver Concierge! You can find them at their website here. Happy Autumn! Bee |
UnpluggingThe changes in technology over the past 10 years have been nothing short of amazing. Nowadays we find ourselves growing anxious if we haven’t checked email, Twitter, Facebook, Yelp, our texts, etc. It’s all pretty stressful. So we started to think about the benefits of unplugging once in a while. We know how hard it is, but we also think it might improve our life balance (and our relationships) a bit if we took a break once in a while. The folks at tell us that the average social media user is exposed to 54,000 words a day!!! They did a great piece on this, and you can find the link here. Good luck in your efforts! |
Some of you may be familiar with Homejoy, the national service that would connect folks with housecleaners. Much like Uber and Lyft, they faced serious consequences by attempting to make everyone that worked for them independent contractors and not employees. Why do we bring this up? Because we want to remind you just how different we really are. Not only are all of our staff full time employees (trained, insured and bonded), but we take the old fashioned approach to everything we do when it comes to your home. Having varying and inconsistent people in your home every time you request a clean is not a very good model to us. Homejoy went out of business last month. Meanwhile, Denver Concierge has been around for 16 years and counting, thanks to our loyal and passionate clients. Thank you for supporting our local business!!!
![]() Partners (and Events) We LoveEvery year we attend a fabulous event sponsored by our friend Heather Klutznick at Trilogy Financial. The event is their annual Economic Update and this is their 8th year in a row, which is mighty impressive! Heather has been kind enough to extend complimentary invitations to any Denver Concierge clients that wish to attend the event next week. The registration link is here, and you can enter the password KLUTZNICK at the bottom of the page to waive the $150 event fee. There are breakout sessions as well as a great keynote speaker. If you are interested, click here on the big ‘register’ button. We hope to see you there!! Why you Need your SleepSeasons are changing and with daylight hours adjusting as we move into fall and winter, sleep can sometimes become challenging. We know we get super cranky when we are sleep deprived, but we wanted to learn more. To see what happens to your brain when you are sleep deprived, visit the article at here. Queen Bee Cornerby Angela |
September Charity EventsOn September 17th we will be attending the annual MS On the Move Luncheon at the Westin downtown Denver. Unfortunately we know a few folks that have been affected by this terrible disease and we are in full support of the search for a cure. The cause is a great one, and for those of you that are interested in attending and/or donating, more information can be found here. ![]()
The World’s Wealthiest PeopleWhat do the world’s wealthiest people have in common? If you answered money, that is a great guess. However we were looking for something deeper, and we ran across this great infographic from The Roosevelts that gives us a better snapshot. To see the complete list of what the world’s wealthiest folks have in common, click here. Fleet UpdateWe are proud to announce that vehicles 10, 11 and 12 are now on the road to your homes. Here is a great shot of our ladies celebrating one of their new vehicles!! |
Green Clean InstituteWe are proud to report that we have been re-certified by the Green Clean Institute for 2015-16. There are only a handful of Colorado cleaning firms that are on this prestigious list and we were the first, going back to June of 2008. We are happy that we made the move for the right reasons and were ahead of the curve before ‘green’ became truly fashionable to use in marketing and branding. We take pride in the fact that we keep the inside of your home clean, while doing our best to keep the outdoors clean as well! We also know our clients appreciate our commitment to keeping their home environments free of anything harmful. To learn more about GCI and what they do, or to see our name in lights, click here. |
2015 Top of the Town5280 Magazine recently released their “Top of the Town” annual review of all things Denver. We love to go out and enjoy our wonderful city, and if you missed it, the complete list can be found here. Fleet UpdateVehicles 7, 8 and 9 are on the read and rolling towards your homes. Here is a great look at our vehicles tucked in for the evening after a long day of making homes happy! Look for the next wave of sweet rides next month! Special thanks to the folks at Ehrlich I25 Kia for wonderful service and delivery. |
![]() Back to School HelpMan, we can’t believe where summer went! While we know we have some time left, our kids aren’t so lucky. Many schools are back in session in August, including Denver Public Schools who resume on the 25th. Boulder Valley School District starts back up on the 21st, just to name a couple. We looked high and low for a way to provide a consolidated list of all the schools across the Front Range but came up empty. What we did run across however, was a great resource on how to smooth out the process. The folks at put together some great tips that can be found here. |
The Eternal Quest for Happiness and Self ImprovementOk, so that title was a bit over the top. But….we are actually seekers of not only happiness, but ways to make our lives better. Whether it’s work, relationships, health, or just plain habits, we at Denver Concierge seek improvement on a regular basis. So, we fell in love with a website were so many things that we wanted to share that it was hard to include them all, so now you have the link. If you want to see one of our favorites try this one on reliable steps to making change in our lives at any age. For the record, we don’t know Marc or Angel, but we liked their take on things and wanted to share it here! |
Queen Bee Cornerby Angela |
Spread out tasks to your friends and roommates for a quicker and easier end of tenancy cleaning, which usually can last only a couple of hours if you select the tasks justly. For example, pre-vacuuming is the first quick highlight in this guide that will prepare the flooring for deep cleaning.
– Pre-vacuuming is the most effective and quickest opt to get rid of the bigger sand particles, crumbs, hair and other blemishes that are stuck onto the floor coverings. Whether it comes to only a couple of small carpets, one big rug, hardwood or tiled floorings – pre-vacuuming will help you to see the locations of the most soiled spots and so to take a the right pick of a further treatment. Moreover, a regular vacuuming is the best way to keep the clean outlook of the floorings for a longer time, so it should be one of the most important highlight in your student`s maintenance schedule.
– Treat the heavy stains onto carpets, rugs and other fabric floor coverings. In some cases, this is more than enough to achieve a quite better look of the floorings, while in the meantime saving time and efforts for hiring a professional cleaning company or using a big rental carpet cleaning machine. Spot clean via stiff brush and a homemade detergent of hot water, dishwashing detergent and shampoo, mixed in a medium sized bowl. This application is truly useful for synthetic carpets or carpets with short fibers, where the brush can easily get to the base of the fiber and therefore to wipe off the dissolved dirt.
– Furniture with leather upholsteries are another difficult part that is worth the efforts. The leathery surfaces require a little bit of a special treatment so you may want to call the professional cleaners. They use special pigmented detergents and solutions that can truly restore shine and texture of the leather surfaces, and thus making them to look like new. Such a pigmented detergent also protects the cleaned spot from future staining like coffee spills or cracks.
– Dealing with stains onto glass objects is another great highlight in the schedule. They may include windows and mirrors, as well as cups, paintings, different glass surfaces in the bathroom, etc. Just make sure to use non-abrasive applicators like a homemade detergent of just white vinegar and water. Use only soft clean cotton cloths and a squeegee, and don`t forget to clean the windows frames too.
– Dusting is one of the final steps of every tenancy schedule for cleaning. It should take place at least once a week. Organize your roommates to help with the wiping off dust via several clean towels and paper towels, as well as deodorizing spray that can enhance the atmosphere. A regular duster can do the perfect job, but a duster with a flexible electrostatic charged head is a great too that help you to get to some truly difficult to reach and hidden places, where usually the dust accumulates.
– A final polishing of metal and wooden surfaces will ensure that little final touch, which will be appreciated from your roommates and guests. Polishing and waxing wooden floors alters the true texture of the surface, as well as colors and reflections. Waxing also adds an extra layer of protection, which seals the clean effect and makes it longer lasting. The same applies to metal and tiled surfaces too, except that their shine and reflections makes them some of the most remarkable sights in the freshly cleaned room.
Read more helpful basic cleaning tips at: